Pokémon Legends: Arceus (1 Viewer)


愛してるって 言わなきゃ殺す
Feb 5, 2004
Osaka, Land of Fire
Yes yes, I know it’s probably hard to get excited about Pokémon these days, let alone a spin off, but…

I’ve never played Breath of the Wild so I’m not qualified to make any lazy comparisons, but it really does walk the line of the familiar series but being quite a side step from it.

It’s quite BRUTAL too, they really don’t pull their punches, and there are absolute beasts of Pokémon wandering around that will easily fillet your team
I finished the main story yesterday. The gameplay was super fun, but it is inexcusably lazy in terms of level design and graphics.

I hope it gets a sequel with a budget.
I finished the main story yesterday. The gameplay was super fun, but it is inexcusably lazy in terms of level design and graphics.

I hope it gets a sequel with a budget.

Do you think? (Mind you I was playing the polished turd of BD&SP before it)

I mean I’ve only got through the first two Nobles but the places seemed fairly distinct
There are gamecube games with better looking environments! And there isn't that much interesting about the geography. It they made the zones twice as big, and put more variation at the micro level, it would be insanely improved.

It honestly feels like a proof of concept at times, rather than a fully fledged game. But there is definitely something fundamentally great about it, so hopefully we'll see more.
I suppose so, I mean it’s supposed to be a wilderness, I’m sort of into it, especially the starry nights :disco:

It certainly all came along just when I was wavering from the good path more than ever
I found Pokemon Sword/Shield to be an absolute dud. Is this better or more of the same?
I found Pokemon Sword/Shield to be an absolute dud. Is this better or more of the same?

That is probably the worst mainline entry in recent memory IMO, hated it.

But this is really an interesting twist on the formula, even more so than Sun/Moon was. I mean the core mechanic of catching Pokémon is there but it’s a lot LOT less focused on battles than any of the others (but you can do that too).

There are some unavoidable fights but you can do quite a lot just sneaking up and chucking a ball at the back of their heads.

It feels a lot less like the kids rollercoaster of gently increasing difficult that we usually get. My team are routinely fucked up by other Pokémon
Once you get to the end game, and especially, the last fight, the difficulty gets a bit off. The combat system changes are weird when you are so used to how they were. Turn order and agile/strong moves can and will fuck you over, where if you aren't severely over levelled, then you basically just chain kill each others pokemon without the other trainer getting to adapt or switch. This is kind of fine, until:

You have to beat 7 enemies in a row, against a balanced team who can almost always get a type advantage against the Pokémon you've just sent out. So you get to the 7th pokemon with likely one, MAYBE 2 of your own team left, they ALWAYS go first, and so you are stuck killing a legendary with a single pokemon, and with my team, the order always meant I was at a type disadvantage. I have yet to kill it because I haven't been arsed to either overlevel my current team or figure out a combination that won't always leave me with a dragon on dragon finale.
OK so I STILL haven't finished this and I'm finding it a BIT of a SLOG
Just cleared the Electrode noble, and stuck at another Star Level wall, so I have to frig around and catch a load of shit just to get some points. It didn't take as long as I thought, but it's like enforced grinding to me. I don't think I'm going to 100% this one at all, although I do want those Hisuian variants still
I got REALLY back into this - and I did all the legendary quests before I did the last battle, so it wasn't too bad - I mean it sucks to swap out your team for an ALL LEGENDS team but that concept had the GLAM ET DRAME

My anal completism kicked in and I decided to try and clear as many of the quests as possible - I've just finished the last normal one, that fucking Wisp one. Infuriating! Even with maps it took ages :D And just for one fucking encounter. Anyway it's done. I'm not really interested in the version update new tasks that are battle-focused, so I think I'm going to try and catch em all to get a meet n greet with Arceus. I'm not THAT far away, I need to make a spreadsheet though.

That should tick me over until I get Scarlet anyway
Well I’m just talking to myself now but I finally got Arceus so I can close the book on this game. It was quite fun, all things considered.

The “True” ending though? Laventon didnt even twitch “oh you caught the god of all creation? 100 points”

There was a cutscene when I got all the Pokémon to unlock Arceus, but that was it, nothing when you get the last one?

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