Pokemon Brilliant Diamond / Shining Pearl (1 Viewer)


It's pronounced Gïnnel
Jun 6, 2012
Who's playing this?

I've started and it's made me realise I remember FUCK ALL about this generation so it's like a brand new game.

Hate the chibi art style which makes all the characters look like dead-eyed toddlers from the uncanny valley.

Sad Cry GIF by Pokémon
I thought about getting one of these but don't think I can be arsed. I think I need pokemon to have a major overhaul before I return. A hard mode at a minimum.
I thought about getting one of these but don't think I can be arsed. I think I need pokemon to have a major overhaul before I return. A hard mode at a minimum.

Yes, so far it's RIDICULOUSLY EASY.

The biggest challenge is trying to catch pokemon when your team can easily one hit KO everything thanks to the exp share system.
D/P :eyes: was really when I hit peak Nintendo gamer, the DS and the Wii, and this is the only Pokémon game where I spent a lot of time doing the pointless sub games like digging. So I am excited for it, but it’s my Christmas present this year.

Yeah it’s basic but it looks a bit more gratifying that the fucking abysmal sword and shield. Still shocked they they could go from such a serve as Sun/Moon to THAT
Yes, so far it's RIDICULOUSLY EASY.

The biggest challenge is trying to catch pokemon when your team can easily one hit KO everything thanks to the exp share system.

Cynthia is a real CUNT

She toyed with me for a bit and the Milotic dithered around so much I could heal my whole team. But then Lucario one shotted everyone :) fun strategic game.

I just want this game IN THE GROUND already so I can move on with my life

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