pope francis: it's ok to be a frociaggine! (allegedly) (1 Viewer)


la loi de murphy
Jun 24, 2004
francis says relax:


Pope Francis tells gay man ‘God made you like this and loves you like this’

The remarks were apparently made to a victim of clerical sexual abuse and are the most striking acceptance of homosexuality by the Catholic Church to date

By Sofia Petkar
21st May 2018, 12:46 am
Updated: 21st May 2018, 11:00 am

POPE Francis has told a gay man that God loves him during a private meeting, it has been claimed.

In a private dialogue, the Pontiff is understood to have told Juan Carlos Cruz, a victim of sexual abuse at the hands of Catholic priests, that God loves gay people and it is fine to be homosexual.

The comments are the most striking public acceptance about homosexuality ever made by a head of the Roman Catholic Church.

The remarks were made during a private meeting at the Vatican between the pair, in which the Pope offered a heartfelt apology.

Cruz was a victim of Chile’s most notorious paedophile priest Fernando Karadima.

Father Karadima, now aged 87, was found guilty of sexual abuse by the Vatican in 2011.

https://www.theSTOP FUNDING HATE/news/6337719/pope-francis-gay-man-god-loves-you/
I'd love to think this was the first sign of change within the Church but lets face it, it's not.

As soon as Pope Francis carks it, they'll probably elect some ultra-conservative evangelical to take his place.
It's not actually a change in doctrine - the sin is in the practice of homosexuality, not having the urge.
Well of course but the way it's being presented across a lot of the media is as if there has been a shift. The Vatican are already playing it down.
These days you can't even practice faggotry within the bishopric, because of Pope.
I do think the move to make these old religions inclusive is a bit depressing though. Read the book, queen, God just isn't into you.

There are other ways to find fulfilment out there - like party drugs, capitalism, or making an Instagram for your dog.
It translates as "fluff".

Edit: oops, it doesn't!

Edit edit: well, if it was the Italian dialect of Corsican with an extra C in the spelling it does, so who knows.
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The NERVE of it all though!

They didn't think there was any FROCIAGGINE when the world was accusing them of fiddling with ALTAR BOYS!

But any talk of gay equality and suddenly there's FAGGOTRY EVERYWHERE!
The best part is the homo in the inner circle of the vatican who keeps leaking the quotes
On my way to work listening to Annalisa but replacing Sinceramente with FROCCIAGINE.
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Going to be literally impossible to not greet my co-workers with ‘Well LOOK WHO IT IS! I thought a smelled a FAGGOT!’
The more we have assimilated, the more I feel an air of faggotness has been lost :( I am glad there are still some punk spirits keeping it alive in the seminaries.

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