Post a NON-ENGLISH Song for us to JUDGE (1 Viewer)


May 8, 2013
Go on, post a song for us to JUDGE, be it in Timbuktuan, Azerbaidzhanean or other Gibberish, most won't know the difference anyway. The only rule is, NO ENGLISH! No ESC songs OR COVERS EITHER!

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I may as well go first. It's a classic story of being disappointed, so no news here. Got to love the lyric 'En tiennyt että enkelit on kieroja kuin rinkelit', 'I didn't know that angels were as twisted as bagels'.

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We might as well start with a bang(er). The song translates to The Grapes. Lots of fruit references.

I'm obsessed with her performance and recordings of this. Perhaps it was the importance of her war efforts, but she's very effective and connected to this one in a way that rarely ignited on other songs. She often lost all composure (quite deliberately I imagine) on live performances, but on record it is much more gentle. Still, it totally projects her myth and i don't know any other singer doing it or want to.

I'm obsessed with her performance and recordings of this. Perhaps it was the importance of her war efforts, but she's very effective and connected to this one in a way that rarely ignited on other songs. She often lost all composure (quite deliberately I imagine) on live performances, but on record it is much more gentle. Still, it totally projects her myth and i don't know any other singer doing it or want to.

Love this. Obviously. Heard this a GAZILLION times. Amazing. :disco:
I may as well go first. It's a classic story of being disappointed, so no news here. Got to love the lyric 'En tiennyt että enkelit on kieroja kuin rinkelit', 'I didn't know that angels were as twisted as bagels'.

This one translates to somerhing as: 'Again a sweet sabotage, I fell into your trap. I didn't know that angels were as twisted as bagels. I need my wounds, so salty and so deep. When I can't feel anything, the pain is my substitute for a friend'
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Anyone who even mentions the shitting E********* in this thread to be banned or, more ideally, ELECTROCUTED

Two in one by one of my favourite non-English speaking singers, from one of my favourite albums ever.

I may as well go first. It's a classic story of being disappointed, so no news here. Got to love the lyric 'En tiennyt että enkelit on kieroja kuin rinkelit', 'I didn't know that angels were as twisted as bagels'.

I like this a lot, song and video! She really does need to be careful in those heels though
What a voice! Lovely, does she have a good back catalogue?

:disco: I've not investigated the back catalogue - this project would appear to deviate from her usual black metal carryings-on - but this is from an album called 'Folkesange' which I can totally recommend
If old Complainy Boots @big ron doesn't like this, I'm heading round there to serve up a good hard slap on the botty bot

Loving that STRAHLENTOD UND MUTATION :disco::disco::disco:
This came up on spotify for me the other day...

I can edit that song out of my post, too. It was just to make CLEAR of what is accepted and what is NOT.
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Zu, Now that I did some careful investigation (googled her), I see what you mean. Though I don't think they look very much alike.

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