Prince (+ an uncredited Sheena Easton) - U Got The Look (1 Viewer)


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Also I bought Diamonds & Pearls at 16 and can't say it HUGELY clicked with me at the time, but I really ought to actually properly revisit it one of these days. Certainly won't ever say no to the sultry honkytonk charms of Cream though - what a SLEAZY LITTLE BITCH he was :disco:
Hmm, I'm definitely of the old skool purist mode that subscribes to 80s Prince as Lord and Saviour. The 90s stuff transcends space and time less effectively imo, though I agree that Love Symbol is underrated. Come would probably be my pick from the post-Lovesexy albums. 'Pheremone' is a slept-upon BEAST, and 'Loose!' and 'Letitgo' have major swag too.

I love Purple Rain and what it did for him but it doesn't hit as consistently hard as the three I'd place above it imo. Also I have two mates here who are fellow Prince acolytes and often go around wearing Purple Rain tees and insisting that it's his best so the natural rebel in me pushes back against it.

And frankly, I've always found the concept of idol-worship (and therefore parading merchandise of your idol) a little crass. I only own plain t-shirts. I do not define myself by my appreciation of other people's art smh.

Having said that, I do have a Prince ASS TATTOO so :disco: 🤷
While I like the album, it would make a 10/10 single album if they got rid of all the filler.
Filler? Honestly, Adore is the only one I find to be meh.

Anyway, Early Prince is my general era of choice at the moment. I go through phases and was blasting I’m Yours a few times just last week, but then strangely switched to Chaos and Disorder, which (unpopular opinion) I find hugely underrated.

LoveSexy is still the only major album of his that I never truly got on board with. I’ve tried to force it but it has never clicked.

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