Priya Ragu (1 Viewer)


Jun 11, 2010
South Sandwich Islands
Any fans?

I don't really know where to put her! She's unique. She's a Tamil artist who I SUPPOSE is RnB but with Dance vibes sprinkled throughout. Her heritage is certainly present but not in a domineering way.

She's just dropped a second album which I'm halfway through. The first was more instant with me, but both are worth checking out.

Well having finished the second album I think I prefer the first. :) the second is very genre-hopping. There's 90s dance/club, rap, and Bollywood inspired beats all in there. It's no bad thing but I prefer the slightly rough cut feel of the first, although it's probably been a year since I listened.
I like Vacation and One Way Ticket a lot. Good Love has quite the remix package:


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