Quincy Jones DEAD (1 Viewer)

I was watching some of the We Are The World footage on YouTube just this past week.

He really was a very important part of 80s music.


Honestly this is why I assumed he had some kind of dementia. He’d contradict himself a lot of times and sometimes go on wild rants about how respected he was in the medical field in Sweden (I think one of his wives was Swedish). There was also some random rant once about mixed raced children despite him exclusively dating white women and his own children being white passing. Some of his old rants were Donald Trump-like in tone, so while it’s entertaining, it’s not necessarily true.
He was full of shit in later life that definitely contradicted what he’d said in other interviews. It seemingly depended on his mood that day…

He was also quite inconsistent about sometimes being very gracious about the artists he worked with and then later claiming full responsibility for the albums he produced with them, almost suggesting they might as well not bothered turning up!

Anyway, RIP :D still a legend
I can't stomach MJ so I'm streaming Lesley Gore in commemoration:

My first memory of his name is from Fresh Prince! Of the songs which he headlined with his own name, 'Soul Bossa Nova' is still tarnished by the Austin Powers association for me, so I'd have to shout out this absolute jam:

...which borrows its title from a notorious (but really rather good!) cinematic exploration of masochistic desire in repressed old Japan! The fact that Quincy & co. conceive the song as some sort of funktastic euphoria - that final buildup with all its disparate elements coalescing as the sax comes in is just heavenly - has always made me wonder if dude actually watched the film at all. But then the lyrics seem to very much reflect its themes, which makes me also wonder if this isn't one of pop's most terrifically subversive celebrations of all that is psychosexual. :disco:

Anyway, RIP! (Sidenote: why do I feel like I spend more time in the Moopy Cemetery than in any other forum what.)

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