Real Housewives Misc Chat (1 Viewer)

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May 9, 2014
Is anybody still watching this absolutely addictive universe of insane women :disco:

I feel like Real Housewives as a franchise has really turned a corner over the past few years. It seems to be held up at the gold standard of absolute TRASH TV having had so many shows go on for so long now.

There has been SO MUCH DELICIOUS DRAMA recently with RHOC icons Vicki and Tamra both being fired having been on the show for about 15 years each as the fanbase universally DESPISES them.

Vicki in particular had an absolute batshit meltdown at the season 14 reunion, that is WELL WORTH a watch even if you don't watch the show, as it works in isolation as TV insanity :disco:
There's yet to appear a YouTube meltdown supercut, but here's a taster:

Then in New Jersey, living LEGEND Danielle Beverley Staub has been carrying the entire season on her back by TERRORISING all of the other women in the cast, resulting in this absolutely BARMY 10 minutes of TV gold:

Special shout out to Jennifer from New Jersey who has 16 bathrooms and is single-handedly fighting homophobia :disco:

Not to mention there's a NEW FRANCHISE launching this year in Salt Lake City and the iconic Real Housewives of Melbourne is returning this year for a very belated FIFTH season. Noted brainbox Lydia had better be part of the cast :disco:
I love that Vicki’s last shot on OC is her looking like a nightmare demon screaming through a slit in the door.

Tamra I feel will be back especially if a new cast does not work, Andy did an Instagram live with her and she’s always been diplomatic to production.

I just hate that this means that Kelly is now queen. She’s already obnoxious enough.
I loved how Jennifer turned into a loony toon as soon as she discovered that Jackie (who she obviously views as beneath her) has more money than she’ll ever have.

Teresa remains dumber than a bag of rocks. It is truly amazing how she’s able to survive being that stupid. Beverly aka Danielle has apparently retired from the housewives (to focus on her cooking YouTube channel) but she was back for the reunion. Also Teresa and Caroline filmed a commercial together so I’m hoping for a return of the Manzos.
Vicki on the reunion was just such a gift. I’ve never really watched OC before, but the reunion pulled me in as it was just all TOO MUCH! I love all the backstage content they spliced in to show how ridiculous her meltdown got :D

Tamra will definitely be back, possibly even on the next season (Camille Grammar said she was done with BH at the start of filming the current season then apparently was back on camera 3 weeks later :D ). Love her or hate her, she is essential to OC as a franchise. I’m still getting over when she got absolutely smashed and went and hid in a bush on the last season.

I think Vicki was fired obvious reasons, Tamra more to try and clear the decks in regards to salary - I’m sure she’d still be a cast member had she not amassed such a large yearly salary from being on the show for so long. It’s funny how online Americans HATE Vicki and Tamra with a passion, but Brits seem to appreciate them as iconic reality TV shit-stirrers :D
Finally managed to watch all of Melbourne, I missed Pettifleur and her stupid energy. Also Gina has become a Nene where she’s no longer fun and sees herself as above it.

I can’t get into Vanderpump Rules, I watched like 3-4 seasons but straight young-ish people don’t do it for me. Shahs on the other hand is more fun cause they’re just awful people. Apparently they have a similar show with Indian Americans which should be interesting.
In additional news - apparently Real Housewives of Cheshire is now ITV’s biggest digital-only show after Love Island surpassing TOWIE (is that still ON?!).

I’m amazing they have rolled out more Brit Real Housewives franchises tbh. It’s clearly super cheap to make, and the country can’t be short of fame hungry old slappers :disco:
Vicki on the reunion was just such a gift. I’ve never really watched OC before, but the reunion pulled me in as it was just all TOO MUCH! I love all the backstage content they spliced in to show how ridiculous her meltdown got :D

Tamra will definitely be back, possibly even on the next season (Camille Grammar said she was done with BH at the start of filming the current season then apparently was back on camera 3 weeks later :D ). Love her or hate her, she is essential to OC as a franchise. I’m still getting over when she got absolutely smashed and went and hid in a bush on the last season.

I think Vicki was fired obvious reasons, Tamra more to try and clear the decks in regards to salary - I’m sure she’d still be a cast member had she not amassed such a large yearly salary from being on the show for so long. It’s funny how online Americans HATE Vicki and Tamra with a passion, but Brits seem to appreciate them as iconic reality TV shit-stirrers :D

i don’t terribly care for OC in general, it has always been my least favorite franchise. They had a moment in the late Alexis/Gretchen early Heather era but then went downhill.
Curious to see how NYC will pan out without Bethenny.

The season without Nene was probably the best of RHOA and now it's back to peddling the lame Nene-Cynthia feud and peddling Nene's "reconciliation tour" with some cast members. At least Kenya keeps instigating.

Real Housewives Of Dallas is also are particular brand of crazy trash, mainly due to the emotionally and otherwise completely instable LeeAnne Locken.

Potomac was TV and TV editing GOLD with creepy husband Michael who likes to feel up the butts of the cameramen. Breakout Season.
Yeah, I worry about NYC without Bethenny. It was rough the last time. The lady they cast in her place seemed very Bethenny-esque but without the power Ramona will eat her up.

I doubt Leanne will come back to Dallas and she insured that Brandi can’t come back now that we know she does racist impersonations. TBH not a huge loss, the last season was crap.
NYC is probably my favourite overall. It doesn’t have one weak season, it’s like my favourite sitcom.
Season 4 is horrible, it has some iconic moments because the cast is so strong but that reunion is awful. They were all shouting over each other.
That reunion is iconic, with the Brunettes trying to take down Ramona and being swatted down like flies. The toxicity is very apparent though, you can see why they cleaned (half) house for Season 5.

Now if only they’d do the same for Beverly Hills.
I think the problem with BH is now that they’ve gotten rid of LVP they’re all friendly so they need to keep bringing our dear old tired Camille to punch her some more and apparently this season Brandi as well.
The fact that they’re STILL filming, despite having the planned “finale party” a couple of months ago signals big trouble.
Oh my so many fertile threads of fabulous Housewives discussion already :disco:

I may have to go franchise by franchise:

I'm super excited for this! I'm really happy Carole has GONE, although this argument with Aviva is one of my all-time favourites as it's just so ludicrous

The new girl Leah seems to have all-round positive murmurings, and the strong existing relationships between the core of Ramona-Countess LuAnn-Sonja-Dorinda I think means the show will be good without Bethanny. LuAnn's personal life seems to continue to pour in the drama :disco:

When Bethanny left before Kelly and Jill in particular were just SO TOXIC and unlikeable to the show, never mind combining with the biggest flop of a housewife of all time CINDY BARSHOP, and Alex's creepy husband truly out-staying his welcome. I've actually just finished re-watching series 3 of New York, and it really is a masterclass in reality TV. Not only does it have the best episode of Housewives ever (Scary Island), the drama doesn't really let up all season. Jill was just AWFUL though. It is so transparent how she was trying to manufacture drama for the sake of the show. I also love Ramona literally saying the words "renew" or "renewal" in EVERY SINGLE SCENE to try and flog some sort of skincare product :D

New York really is the best of the US. I think I've even seen THINK-PIECES re-evaluating it as a misunderstood masterpiece of TV.
Dallas: I've sort of flirted with this one but have never been truly hooked. That the WHOLE SHOW is so reliant on LeeAnn makes it a bit grating, and the racism claims about LeeAnn AND Brandi from the last season have just made it all a bit unpalatable - not to mention almost all of the cast being hardcore Republicans (Saint Stephanie's husband is a regular party DONOR).

That said (:D) the season 4 reunion was FUN despite not watching the actual season. Kameron is the right side of WEIRD, and it would be fun for them to refocus the show around her and her social group than LeeAnn.

Beverley Hills: I actually didn't hate the last season like the rest of the internet, as I think there's something quite amusing about watching a bunch of pampered and generally quite boring women make a massive mountain out of a molehill 6 months straight :D

I do think the casting is so off though. WHY they don't just make Camille the main again with Rinna as her number 2 I don't know. They rely on Camille so much to bring any point of interest - and she's genuinely wealthy enough to carry the show like LVP did previously.

Atlanta: Despite being by far and away the most popular, I've never loved Atlanta. It's been going on SO LONG you need to watch the early years really to understand the cast dynamics properly, and the first few seasons are SO SLOW in regards to editing. I absolutely LOVE Pheadra though. Perhaps a comeback from her would be enough to convince me to really take the plunge. I also think Atlanta and New Jersey are tonally quite different to the other Housewife shows, NJ in particular could easily be rebranded as a completely different show.

Potomac: The internet raves about this one, but I've struggled to get into it. It all just seems a bit REHEARSED. And aside from Gizelle & Robyn, the cast clearly spend absolutely ZERO time with each other off-camera, and almost all of the cast obviously have hardly any money :D Perhaps I need to start again from season 3. Karen Huger is sort of an icon too, that NOSE :disco:

OC: As mentioned the season 14 reunion was gold. I QUITE LIKE Kelly Dodd, mainly due to this compilation -

The OC is just SO trashy though. They are all clearly just such awful people (and mainly Republicans also :eyes: ). I think it's gonna miss Tamra in the next season. They should bring back the blonde detective girl that exposed Vicki's cancer scam :disco:
OMG the season 12 New York trailer is here, and looks like the show has gone full-on UNHINGED/full blown parody-land without Bethenny to anchor the crazy slightly :D

They seem to be setting Dorinda up in the Bethenny/alpha female role, Tinsley seems to be on a COMPLETELY different show (with her Mum) to the other girls, and the new girl seems quite Kelly Dodd. EXCITED!
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Well Tins didn’t film everything cause she went back to Scott. But yeah without Bethenny to control them they’re just running wild.
Also I started watching the new season of Shahs and it just works so much better when you’re watching it weekly. I low key love their toxic energy.
The last Atlanta episode started good with Kenya coming so hard for Tanya over nothing (also her husband obviously hates her) but I did not need 15 minutes of Cynthia and Mike.
I’ve got really into watching Phaedra and Kenya clips on YouTube, but never quite managed to take the plunge into watching Atlanta properly.

Nene and Cynthia just seem plain ANNOYING, and Kandi just seems quite boring to watch season after season.
The Melbourne cast is getting announced soon but for now

Oh good! Shine shine shine!

Wonder how Janet will cope.
Sally has confirmed she is out ALSO.

Whilst i wouldn’t have minded Jackie in season 5, she is the core cast member I’m happiest to lose :disco:

I’m guessing this means we have Gina - Lydia - Janet - Gamble coming back with 2 newbies? That way the cast will have two sides Gina/Lydia and Janet/Gamble :disco:

I doubt ANYBODY (including Gina & Lydia) wants Venus back, even if somebody did shit in her lunchbox.
GUYS! Queen Lydiot has officially confirmed she is back for season 5 of Melbourne :disco:

Venus has also confirmed she is OUT!

I’ve just done a quick rewatch of season 4 too, and the final episode where Lydia opens her dinner party with a speech where she insults everybody around the table individually (apart from Gina), but doesn’t appear to realise she is doing so is LIFE CHANGING :D
Oh my so many fertile threads of fabulous Housewives discussion already :disco:

I may have to go franchise by franchise:

I'm super excited for this! I'm really happy Carole has GONE, although this argument with Aviva is one of my all-time favourites as it's just so ludicrous

The new girl Leah seems to have all-round positive murmurings, and the strong existing relationships between the core of Ramona-Countess LuAnn-Sonja-Dorinda I think means the show will be good without Bethanny. LuAnn's personal life seems to continue to pour in the drama :disco:

When Bethanny left before Kelly and Jill in particular were just SO TOXIC and unlikeable to the show, never mind combining with the biggest flop of a housewife of all time CINDY BARSHOP, and Alex's creepy husband truly out-staying his welcome. I've actually just finished re-watching series 3 of New York, and it really is a masterclass in reality TV. Not only does it have the best episode of Housewives ever (Scary Island), the drama doesn't really let up all season. Jill was just AWFUL though. It is so transparent how she was trying to manufacture drama for the sake of the show. I also love Ramona literally saying the words "renew" or "renewal" in EVERY SINGLE SCENE to try and flog some sort of skincare product :D

New York really is the best of the US. I think I've even seen THINK-PIECES re-evaluating it as a misunderstood masterpiece of TV.

100% agree with this. Where to even begin. I love it so much!

Carole vs Bethenny was quite sad towards the end.
Potomac is the closest thing to NYC at the moment. First season is rough but they’ve been fire from season 2 onwards. Also they’re shorter seasons.
OMG the season 12 New York trailer is here, and looks like the show has gone full-on UNHINGED/full blown parody-land without Bethenny to anchor the crazy slightly :D

They seem to be setting Dorinda up in the Bethenny/alpha female role, Tinsley seems to be on a COMPLETELY different show (with her Mum) to the other girls, and the new girl seems quite Kelly Dodd. EXCITED!
That trailer is just :disco: :D

The new girl seems shit tho. Which can only be a good thing.
I'm a total RHONY addict (thanks to @jivafox ). I've tried the others but haven't really been able to get into them. Can you rank your faves?

I would go for Melbourne if you want something close to NYC - the women are generally all great and intelligent, and they all actually have some money so you get the lifestyle porn element too. Season 1 is great, but it really picks up a speed from season 2 when Gamble and Pettifleur join :disco: Pettifleur being one of the most ludicrous women that has ever been seen on TV.

I’d also highly recommend Auckland and Sydney (both one season), which are both insane and shit the bed amazing. I never wanted either of their seasons to end, although I was somewhat EXHAUSTED by the time that Sydney finally finished :D

In regards to the US shows, Potomac is probably the closest to NYC tonally, although the first season is all about etiquette and totally skippable. I do find Potomac a bit REHEARSED though.

Jersey is basically a totally different show (more like a softer Mob Wives), but watch any scene that has queen Danielle Beverley Staub in it and skip most of the rest :disco:

The OC is just too TRASHY for me. The women are generally totally garbage. Just watch the insane season 14 reunion, then watch Vicki/Tamra/Kelly Dodd’s crazy moments of YouTube.

Dallas is generally TRASH and just there for hardcore Housewife fans who really need a fix.

Atlanta and Beverley Hills have gone on so long now it’s a commitment to catch up. However Atlanta has supplied the world with camp icons Phaedra, Kenya and (occasionally) Kim Z for which we are forever grateful :disco:
Thank you!!

RHONY was a total life altering experience. I started watching it on S9 (I think) and had to go all the way back and restart. I can't even begin.
Yes get yourself into MELBOURNE and the icon that is QUEEN GINA.

Thank you!!

RHONY was a total life altering experience. I started watching it on S9 (I think) and had to go all the way back and restart. I can't even begin.

Potomac (skip through S1 if need be) and Melbourne are good suggestions if you're going for a more RHONY vibe. New Jersey can test your patience - there are some iconic scenes (mainly whenever there's a FASHION SHOW) but there is a lot of focus on the kids and the families, too, rather than interaction and that can be a drag. Danielle Staub's crazy is just as staggering as Teresa's... everything though.

RHOA is good entertainment but really gets going in Season 3 when crooked Phaedra joins and it gets wild when Kenya twirls in and brainless Porsha arrives.

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