Real Housewives of Jersey (1 Viewer)

Darling I’m not going to abuse a stranger on the internet.



How embarrassing! Although maybe Jersey is what Danielle had in mind when she told Andy that she will no longer be appearing on "the real housewives...of new jersey"
Dame Plank Tess has been insufferable on insta recently.Not that I follow her, but can't help having a nose to wind myself up
Ill be watching this again, enjoyed it. Exact same cast I see. Thats a very good photo of Kate. I wonder if she's had a facelift
That’s an old photo, we have two new wives and boring sad old Jane and that other one have been REPLACED!

And here’s Tessa being ANNOYING

The HORRIFIED comments on this post of a load of American Housewife fans thinking it was the new New Jersey cast :D That they are dressed in the same sort of outfits as the last New Jersey promo pics doesn't help matters either

Anyway the last series was a bizarrely watchable horror show, and whilst I can hardly remember anything about it :D it was the PERFECT brainless viewing for the twilight zone between Christmas and New Year :disco:
Well I watched the first episode of S2 last night. This is really quite bad but its got a certain charm to it :D

Enjoyed Margaret taking it to Tess about being 'boring' - Tess really didn't know what to say did she and she seems to crack in ep 2. Funny after that lil altercation, the others were like 'Ooooh welcome to summer in Jersey' to the new one like it was all KICKING OFF :D
OK so I've watched the first two episodes and this is QUITE FUN? I think with Tessa, Kate, Margaret and now the potentially iconic Karen they've found mix of eccentric, hate-able and not 100% completely camera-aware that really helps bring a Housewives show together.

Margaret saying to Tessa's face "You're a total BITCH" was hilarious, as you could tell that she 100% meant it :D Also lol at literally everybody on the show not having spoken to Tessa since season 1 filming wrapped :D

Not sure if they need the blonde desperado who has literally LITERALLY relocated from Cheshire to secure a spot on the show (did she fail the Cheshire Housewives audition process or something?), and Ashley continues to be young Tory HELL depicted on screen. But I will continue to watch anyway.
I also think Kate is also quite a compelling Housewives character, as she's all OTT outfits and eccentricity on screen due to the nature of the show, but I'm really getting from her MANIC DEPRESSION and DRINKING PROBLEM in real life.

Tessa of course remains one of the most detestable people ever to have lived, yet I cannot LOOK AWAY! The British Vicki Gunvalson if you will.
I just googled Kate, and the first google result is a drink driving offence from October this year that's most likely going to be IGNORED on the show (it's a DM link so won't pull through).

Like I said above, she SCREAMS problem drinker :(
Is anyone else having a problem loading this on their itvhub? I am up to the last London episode and cannot get any further :angry::angry:
Okay am addicted to this now, it’s better than series 1
Karen is just RIDICULOUS. Stop JABBING ME :D
Margaret has grown on me loads but was always going to be on her team against Tessa.
Loved how low rent the whole London trip was
So my ITVHub is back up and running and I have just finished the last of the London episodes. Very much enjoying this, the 'fucking' argument at the last dinner :D
I watched one episode hungover on Saturday and honestly, the staged part where Tessa and Mia 'bumped into' each other was so hilariously bad.

Margaret seems like she struggles to form a sentence in her talking heads, it's so distracting :D
OMG the showdown between Margret and Karen at Mia's party :D

I am on the last episode now, gutted its ending :(

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