Real Housewives of Jersey (1 Viewer)

Tessa trying to play the victim is hilarious. What the fuck was that scene where she had her makeup all smudged trying to act like she had been up all night crying?!
Tessa trying to play the victim is hilarious. What the fuck was that scene where she had her makeup all smudged trying to act like she had been up all night crying?!
Oh that was amazing :D
I’ve just finished London Part 2 and :D! at Tessa’s evil daughter TWEAKING at the table.
Obsessed with Margaret's look to camera here, there's something very LYNCHIAN about her.

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Sorry I’m on a deep dive of Tessa now who is apparently 51, and 10 years older than her husband, who she started her PR agency with in 1996 when he was, what, 16?!
Tthere is no way Tessa's odd husband is 41. Maybe in dog years.

You guys wait till you get to TEXT GATE :disco:
Oh it's amazing. Can't wait until we are all caught up and can DISECT :D
I’m sure he can trace his family tree back to Chile for 2 generations and strictly NO FURTHER.
The way they haven’t aged. Because they’ve always looked MIDDLE AGED.

Karen: "After the disaster that was my birthday party, I'm worried SICK, about Tessa, so I'm going to pop into Mia, to see if she's heard anything.'

Clearly a DEAR friend of TESSA!
Who’s the new girl? She’s reminding me of all the girls I’ve met in HR departments, mixed with all the girls I’ve met at recruitment consultants.
Why would you ever spell Sarah that way, if you want your child to have an exotic name then, I dunno, DON’T CALL HER SARAH.
Sahra is every girl I went to school with who waited until after their A-Levels to get pregnant.

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