'Robyn' released on double red vinyl for RSD (1 Viewer)


Rowena? From Kuwait?
Feb 3, 2004
I think we knew this was in the cancelled event, but it's coming next week. According to Rough Trade it's limited to 1150 copies.


Side A

  1. Curriculum Vitae (Feat. Swingfly)
  2. Konichiwa Bitches
  3. Cobrastyle
  4. Handle Me
Side B

  1. Bum Like You
  2. Be Mine!
  3. With Every Heartbeat - with Kleerup
  4. Who's That Girl?
Side C

  1. Dream On
  2. Bionic Women (Interlude)
  3. Crash and Burn Girl
  4. Robotboy
Side D

  1. Eclipse
  2. Should Have Known
  3. Any Time You Like
  4. Jack U Off
RSD has been reorganised into 3 "drops" and, yes, this is in the first. Ultimately, everything that was supposed to go into RSD in April was already pressed when it was cancelled - a few releases were removed and sold by the artists in the more usual channels but most are happening. The August drop is the fullest which is probably down to record labels wanting paid for the stock.
I had BETTER GET A COPY OF THIS...but I also CANNOT BE ARSED to queue up at 8am or whatever for RSD, especially with the C-19 restrictions in place - so you’ll be hanging around for EVEN LONGER whilst a bunch of straight men buy their 15th limited edition copy of Definitely Maybe :bruised:

I’m gonna chance it when it goes online at 6pm. The Body Talk RSD edition was available online last year, so I’m hoping this will be the same story.

There can’t be THAT MANY Robyn loons right..?
I’m going to queue this year- I get up at 5 anyway and my shop is literally a road away. I want this too badly- as well as the Shakespear’s Sister releases, which I imagine will be easily available online afterwards...
Yes, I’m think it’s going to have to be an early visit to the record store sadly
I have a wealth of choice of shops to choose from being in London, but I’d be SO ANNOYED if I’d dragged myself out of bed, queued and then the shop hasn’t even stocked it and I have to leg it elsewhere :argh:

There’s Christine and The Queens & Charli XCX releases this year I might as well pick up too. The Charli one I imagine will go for decent money in the future.
Which kind of DEFEATS THE POINT, no? Still, if you get an early one, good for you, I guess...

I just clicked in to the appointment times and it turns out they’re only doing it at their head office and no stock will actually be in their stores :DAF:

Oh and their head office is in Dundee (and I’m in Edinburgh) so also hours away :D
I'm queuing as well this year; bring on the PPE and social distancing. I'd like this and I've got a few others on my SHORT LIST.

I just need to figure out which store to go to :eyes:
I wouldn't mind a "Vroom Vroom" 12" but I can survive without it. Ditto the vinyl reissue of "Cerebral Caustic" by The Fall. So if I can score either mail order after 6pm, fine but I ain't going to a store.
Oh apparently the Christine & The Queens one is just 'Mountains' and 'Je disparais dans tes bras' from her recent EP along with acoustic versions of both tracks :bad:

I imagine had it been released earlier in the year (as intended) it would have been a more exciting purchase, but seeing as I have the EP ALREADY it really is quite a pointless release in August :D

Robyn and Charli for me then!
That's on my wish list as well :eyes:

I'm hearing that it'll be available from her website after RSD alongside a whole range of Vroom Vroom merch. One report suggests it'll be a different colour of vinyl from the RSD edition. She has certainly been teasing the merch range on her social media but the rest could be guesswork/wishful thinking.
I'm hearing that it'll be available from her website after RSD alongside a whole range of Vroom Vroom merch. One report suggests it'll be a different colour of vinyl from the RSD edition. She has certainly been teasing the merch range on her social media but the rest could be guesswork/wishful thinking.
Did you get any of the How I'm Feeling Right Now coloured vinyls? I got the orange but the yellow sold out too quickly. Not that I'm that bothered but the Charli XCX loons certainly act fast! :D
Did you get any of the How I'm Feeling Right Now coloured vinyls? I got the orange but the yellow sold out too quickly. Not that I'm that bothered but the Charli XCX loons certainly act fast! :D

I got the orange too. I was at work when they announced the physicals so the yellow going in minutes was pretty much the first thing I saw! I see she's repressed the yellow but I'm not that bothered about such things.
So a local shop has decided not to open but to have a virtual queue where you email to register, you get a number in the queue and he tells you whether or not it's likely that you'll get your wish list items, dependent on what the queue ahead of you has ordered and you will be emailed a Paypal invoice on the day at a prescribed time and have half an hour to pay or they go back up for sale. I registered yesterday, am number 12, and he's told me that I should get everything I want, no real life queuing! :disco: (Sadly he's said he'll only do it for people within the PO postcode for SOME reason, but there you go...)
Scrap that, he can’t get Robyn (the thing I want most) and Shakespear’s Sister’s You’re History. Anyone sees either, please grab and I’ll pay, of course.

Ugh. Sorry Shee!

I’m at a loss with it all this morning :(
Mr L went past Rough Trade here at about 9am and said the queue was ridiculous, so didn't bother joining it.
I hate RSD generally and have managed to avoid ever physically going.

Unsold stock can go online at 6pm tonight - they don't have to wait a week this year.
Yeah, but I can’t see the big items like this being there...

That' what I hate about RSD - the flippers pick the things they reckon they can resell for the greatest profit and this is very probably one of them (as is "Vroom Vroom" which is already on eBay for £50).
There’s loads of Robyns on discogs. I just hope the record company has kept a few back- I’ve picked up some bits in the past from when they sell them on a few weeks later.
Yes, I’m absolutely not here for the flippers.:evil:
Always worthwhile checking the artist's webstore after RSD.
I grabbed a copy at my participating store at 09:45 this morning! There was another copy left at the time.

Anyone else got it?
That' what I hate about RSD - the flippers pick the things they reckon they can resell for the greatest profit and this is very probably one of them (as is "Vroom Vroom" which is already on eBay for £50).
I got Vroom Vroom as well @octophone! Did you get yours?

There was a Morrissey photo disc left and it looks lovely but I didn't buy it out of principle :(
OMG I thought you were queuing or you got it as well? I did think of getting two copies! If I had known I'd definitely have gotten you one..

There was a Shakespeares Sister left as well - I decided to skip on it..
OMG I thought you were queuing or you got it as well? I did think of getting two copies! If I had known I'd definitely have gotten you one..

There was a Shakespeares Sister left as well - I decided to skip on it..

Do you actually read any of the threads you post in? :D
Scrap that, he can’t get Robyn (the thing I want most) and Shakespear’s Sister’s You’re History. Anyone sees either, please grab and I’ll pay, of course.

Fuck! Honestly didn't see this otherwise I would have gotten both for you. It wasn't 'You're History' that was left at mine though, but the 3 album...

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