Saturday stay indoors year everrrr (1 Viewer)

It seems to be getting worse again here. I've got tickets booked for Wicked at 4.30, and am not looking forward to heading out in it.
I would say that the North West isn’t getting the worst of this (despite the death of the man nearby which I think was an unfortunate incident of wrong place wrong time)

So I won’t dramatise it. But it’s pretty horrible out there and certainly not the weather to be heading into the city centre for fun and frolicks :(

I mostly feel bad for local businesses, they really rely on the first weekend of December, it’s always the busiest for them. Not this year.
I've just booked a meal out for NYE. I don't really do much for NY but honestly £33 for two courses and a cocktail, in this economy is hard to refuse.
I've just found out a girl I went to school with has died. I was only talking to her a couple of weeks ago.

So many from my year have died now, it's actually quite scary.

That is so sad, and even worse at this time of year. I am the same Rachey. Quite a few from my year at school are no longer with us and it makes you question your own mortality every time you hear of someone else your own age passing. I just think myself lucky that I am still here at the relatively ripe age of 51 as so many do not make it this far. :(
That is so sad, and even worse at this time of year. I am the same Rachey. Quite a few from my year at school are no longer with us and it makes you question your own mortality every time you hear of someone else your own age passing. I just think myself lucky that I am still here at the relatively ripe age of 51 as so many do not make it this far. :(
Respict 👍😎

Wood you marry a liger
That is so sad, and even worse at this time of year. I am the same Rachey. Quite a few from my year at school are no longer with us and it makes you question your own mortality every time you hear of someone else your own age passing. I just think myself lucky that I am still here at the relatively ripe age of 51 as so many do not make it this far. :(
It's horrible isn't it :( maybe some years are just more...unlucky. My brother's years haven't lost anyone, they're 3 years older and 3 years younger than me.
Mr Ag has wapped himself in the eye with a fairy light and my back hurts. Need grandkids ASAP.
Mr F went upstairs about half past ten this morning because he didn't feel well, I took him a coffee up at midday and I've not seen him since. I can hear him snoring so I know he isn't dead. I've had a nice afternoon watching films and sorting work paperwork out to save time next week.
I don't know why but the sound of the wind like this kinda scares me a bit :shy:

I can't imagine what winds of 130mph must be like.
It’s very calm here but FREEZING. Not that I want wind as like @Star it frightens the bejesus out of me.
It seems to have calmed down here. Presumably the worst has moved east.
The hotel I’m staying in in Latvia is playing Ne Ver, Ne Bojsia and loads of people are dancing…

I don't know why but the sound of the wind like this kinda scares me a bit :shy:

I can't imagine what winds of 130mph must be like.
I am terrified by strong winds and the sound is a huge part of that (especially through trees). It's an absolutely irrational phobia but a really strong one for me.
I think also the fact that we are facing more storms these days, I feel in the last few weeks we're just getting through them. It's the thought that it's only going to get worse.
It's deffo moved this way. The bins are flying all over the place, we've been out twice already to pick them up. The sound is insane...
Yup. My weather says 45-50mph gusts all night.

Anything in my garden that could move, has already fallen.
I for one can't wait to drive for 6 hours tomorrow. I'm sure the conditions will be lovely.
Actually it's still saying 45mph winds for us well into tomorrow. So I assume it's just a big old motherfucker of a storm and you'll all likely have it even longer if it's still heading east.
Moved the bins into the garage, at least I don't have to listen out for them falling over now.
I'm amazed at the number of houses who left their exterior Christmas lights up.

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