Shakira DEAD (Cause of Death: Ava Max and Kygo) (1 Viewer)

@KindaCool are u sucking Jermaine Dupri's SCHL0NG already for a Mariah #1 (On the Viral tikTok charts)???
Mariah Carey Idol GIF
#41 in midweeks. I assume that’s possibly better than either of them have done lately?
Oddly this has re-entered Spotify at #200 today and Apple at #188.

Could this actually do something :D
It’s got 550 million streams on Spotify so I assume it’s one that has crossed over to the general public, albeit less so than Hips Dont Lie.
so this is gonna be massive in about three weeks huh. prepare the nuclear war bunkers
I love Zak Abel but oh my God, he's one of those artists where the label doesn't have the slightest of what to do with him, the last album was awful.

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