Spice Girls 25th Anniversary WORLD TOUR / Glastonbury Legends slot (1 Viewer)

She doesn’t need to be busy. She just can’t bear the thought of being surrounded by such loud, vulgar people.

Please RANK 1 to 5 in order of VULGARITY s'il vous plaît :eyes:

but in all seriousness, Geri and Mel B :gross:

VB looks fine for 2007 and it was a wild year, Britney's shaved head, Paris Hilton in jail, the Lindsay and Samantha picture, Anna Nicole Smith died and a video of a drunk singing Hasselhoff leaked. This was a totally normal WAG look.
I'm sure she'd be the first to admit that the whole WAG aesthetic was the height of TACK, but if anything it makes it all the more impressive that she managed to turn her image around (and THEN SOME) when at one point Jordan and Cheryl Tweedy were her contemporaries :disco:
Yeah and Sporty Spice doesn't wear CHAVVY TRACKSUITS anymore and Geri swapped BOOB TUBES for LADY OF THE MANOR dresses.

They all have evolved from who they were a decade or two ago. To pretend only Victoria is CLASSY now because she works in FASHION and once read Coco Chanel's biography is a bit REDUCTIONIST. I quite like Victoria but she is hardly the next ALEXANDER MCQUEEN.

In fact I would say Geri, mad as she is, is probably the one that has TRAVELLED the most from posing with her FANNY out to making campaign videos for the Tory party about that old codger who raised money for the NHS.
Calm down dear, that’s far too many caps for such a silly subject.
A landing page serving as a placeholder has been uploaded, including a cryptic message from Posh?

It's happening?


I know it doesn't mean much but a girl can dream. Just announce dates already you greedy cows. *Announce UK dates only again :basil: *
For some reason Facebook thought I'd be interested in a video of Victoria and Emma embracing in a dinner reunion that happened about four days ago? Or at least it was posted four days ago... Are they reuniting?
For some reason Facebook thought I'd be interested in a video of Victoria and Emma embracing in a dinner reunion that happened about four days ago? Or at least it was posted four days ago... Are they reuniting?

It was at Geri’s 50th Birthday party.
For some reason Facebook thought I'd be interested in a video of Victoria and Emma embracing in a dinner reunion that happened about four days ago? Or at least it was posted four days ago... Are they reuniting?

I admire Geru for being brave enough to shave off a couple of/several years from her REAL AGE.

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