Star Trek: Starfleet Academy


The ⭐ 👹
Apr 8, 2010
Prison :(
New live-action series, entering production next year:

Presumably set in the Discovery era, going by that description ("for the first time in over a century..."). I'm quite curious!
Oh I was hoping this would be scrapped in favour of a 25th century post-Picard series 🥴

Could be interesting I suppose
Please can Beverly Crusher's great great great grandson be involved?
I don't know about that, but given it was already set up I'm expecting Tilly to be a part of the cast. The episode with her getting stranded with her students was one of the best later Discovery stories, so I wouldn't mind a series along those lines.
Genuinely I don't see the appeal in setting this in the Discovery timeline. Why could it not be possible to set it in the 25th century.

Discovery has made Star Trek a foreign entity to me.
Well it makes sense if they want to have new stuff, and show us things we've never seen before. Part of the problem with Discovery for me is that they brought in this exciting new time period, then didn't let it breathe because they're always rushing about with whatever that season's story may be.
Having three live action Star Trek series all taking place in different time periods is so messy
So if that Section 31 spin off also goes ahead, that rules out any chances of a Picard spin off.

I don't have any major qualms in setting it so far into the distant future so long as that we recognize that it would be very much a Kurtzman version of Star Trek and far removed from Gene Roddenberry's or that of its direct spin offs in the 90s.

To that end, it wouldn't be for me.
Y'know, it's a shame Discovery could not have somehow been set in the Kelvin timeline of the STU (the initial premise was ultimately jettisoned anyway).

That way Kurtzman's very distinct version of Trek could have been kept very separate. Let's face it, we only really have Season 3 of Picard because of Terry Matalas.
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