The JESSIE J REAPPRAISAL thread (1 Viewer)

I keep reading this topic title as SALLY JESSE RAPHAEL

She is looking WELL.

Jessie j does seem like she could be the type to lie about her age
I'm worried I've been to quick to judge so she's getting the kitchen treatment. @COB has left the room already so it's not going well.

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I'd be worrying about that missing knife. I suggest you find it before it's plunged between your shoulder blades. And this photo would justify self defence.
Reactions: COB
oh wait, I always forget about this one

but for every tolerable song, she has some MONSTROSITY like this one

I'm looking forward to Penelope's glowing reappraisal of Lulu next week.

Sadly I fear it's only a matter of time before we're all forced to watch a nationwide reappraisal of Jessie J when she wins The Masked Singer dressed as a cream cracker.

It's the ending it with 'Love u 😘' that really adds a certain flavour. Gonna end with that next time I try to destroy someone's day
I hope she doesn't google herself any time soon.

That said, I stand by the remarks I made up-thread.
Unless she is leaning in to being a parody (which I very much doubt), just no.
She’ll have them rolling in the aisles with relatable, Earthy anecdotes like the time she shaved her head for attention, the time she stopped being bisexual so Americans would like her, and the time she pulled off the most horrific aeroplane hijacking since 9/11 with an impromptu in-flight concert.

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