The Legend Of Zelda: Skyward Sword (Wii) (1 Viewer)

Sep 27, 2008
I'll Meet You Halfway
As I'm currently enjoying re-playing Twilight Princess I'm looking forward to this.

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword marks a turning point for The Legend of Zelda franchise. The introduction of full motion control enabled by the Wii MotionPlus accessory synchronizes player movements with Link's actions while offering the most intuitive play control of any game in The Legend of Zelda
franchise to date.

A few screen shots:




The graphics look much better in movement, in fairness, the cel-shading and texturing make it look like a Japanese animated cartoon, even more so than The Wind Waker.
I'm very excited. Release date SOON please.

The coverage in NGamer this month was most comprehensive and made it sound everso intriguing.
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apart from the flying sections which I never personally played but looked like such a CHORE
I am purposely avoiding any spoilers for this and have pre-ordered the limited edition (mainly for the CD as I will be attending the concert in a month). Twilight Princess was one of the best games of the last ten years for me, but the two Zeldas on DS have cast some doubts over Aonuma's abilities for me. Please let the flying sections on this be more strolling around Hyrule field on Epona and less nightmarish train tracks from hell.
I did fear that the flying was going to be as rubbish as the Wind Waker sailing but I really CANNOT WAIT.

I like that NotGanon seems to like getting his tongue out.
The sailing in Wind Waker is FUCKING AMAZING, it was the fishing for the map parts that was shit.
Judging by the screenshots, I hope there is a WiiU version beign developed >_>
There's no way this game isn't going to deliver an 11/10 CLASSIC

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Hyrule Market coming to Nottingham :disco:

Another big event has been announced to celebrate the 25th anniversary of The Legend Of Zelda. Yes, on Saturday 29 October, videogame festival GameCity will be hosting the Zelda Anniversary Takeover Day in Nottingham.

It all takes place in Nottingham's Old Market Square which will be transformed into a Hyrulean market village for the day. There you will be able to play The Legend Of Zelda: Skyward Sword before its released on 18 November.

There are plenty of other activities to enjoy, too. You can create your own sword and shield, learn how to play the Ocarina and relax at the LonLon Milk bar. By completing these activities, you'll collect pieces of the Triforce and complete the Hero's Quest.

After you've learnt to play the Ocarina you can join the Ocarina Orchestra and participate in a series of renditions of the most beloved tunes in the franchise. It's worth taking part as you'll get a limited edition Zelda branded ocarina.

GameCity runs from 25 October and in the build up to the Zelda Anniversary Takeover Day, Zelda fans are being invited to contribute to a fanzine. This is a one-off zine created and designed by the public for which you can submit your artwork, poetry, a short story or just a fond memory. A limited run of the fanzine will be printed and made available on the Saturday.

You can also share your love for Zelda by recording a short video diary at the event. Throughout the day the National Videogame Archive will offer fans the chance to record their thoughts, feelings, experiences and fond memories of Zelda.

Finally, you'll have the opportunity to take part in the Zelda Canon Speed Run. GameCity are after six Zelda experts who can complete any game in the Zelda series quickly. If selected, you'll be part of a tag team attempting to complete 15 games in the Legend Of Zelda series beginning with the Legend Of Zelda and ending with Twilight Princess.
That is sweet (although I'm sure it will become NERD VILLAGE in about 10 minutes after opening). They did a similar thing in Covent Garden for the release of Dragon Quest IX with models posing as angels and some of them were WELL FIT.
By coincidence, Derby city centre resembles the Dark World.
Are we OFFICIALLY EXCITED about this yet? Can it POSSIBLY live up to the reviews?

*sits by letterbox*

I thought the previews looked ever so slightly SHONKY so I'm very pleased. I never bothered with Twilight Princess but I've just shunted Amazon some CASH for this.

Having said that, I abandoned the replay of Majora's Mask that I started in August about TEN MINUTES IN so I hope it delivers. I loved Spirit Tracks though, so there is HOPE.
If it was on the Xbox I'd be interested.

But the end of 2011 has also been an AMAZING time for games. I think since Deus Ex was released we've had 90+ scoring games every week. I have no time for what I have as it is.

Although I hear there is PUMPKIN GROWING in this game :disco:
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I've been sold by the unanimous glowing reviews and pre-ordered. Bugger
The pacing is so much better than Twilight Princess which is servilely underrated anwyay. :angry:
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This is apparently out in the pirate sphere - and every bit as promising as those reviews indicate.
You're a fool

It's on my to-do list. If anything, it's more that I've just fallen out of love with my 3DS at the moment and there has been a constant stream of decent home console games for the last 2 months that I haven't felt the need to go back to it.
Unfortunately I'm NOT QUITE SAD ENOUGH to have BOOKED TOMORROW OFF WORK especially like a LOT OF GAMES GEEKS seem to have done, so I won't be able to tell you until at least next week
Jesus Christ the gold remote is GORGEOUS.

I've just started but it's rather more tutorial heavy in comparison to previous outings. It's also quite a contrast when you go back to the Wii from the PS3, graphics wise. The painted backgrounds are GORGEOUS though and only behind Wind Waker in the looks department.

Liking this Zelda (the person) LOTS.
I've played about 45 minutes so far and agree it's a LITTLE tutorial reminds me of something like Final Fantasy VIII in the way it's set up, the way the tutorials are paced and the whole academy setup. But it seems very playable and I'm eager to continue on.

First impressions of the motion controls are that the initial sword action is still very much "swing in any general direction" but I guess the enemies at the start aren't going to require the benefits of motion-plus. I like the way that Nintendo have made subtle changes to the way the Wii remote is used to navigate optional responses by tying the cursor to a central point and pointing in a general direction, rather than having it point all over the screen, as is so often the case in such games.
Yes I have to admit I was a little disappointed with the motion plus sword swinging at first whilst battling the goblin monsters as aimless swinging seems to get the job done better than calculated swipes. However after facing the staflos mini boss in the first temple the benefits were really clear. Aimless swinging ended up nowhere and you really had to time and be precise with you moves.
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I found the first encounter with Ghirahim to be a right bastard. Once I knew the technique it was easy enough but Fi wasn't much help :evil:
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I'm only about 4 hours in but I DON'T LIKE ALL THIS FAFFING ABOUT WITH THE CONTROLS. Flying is AWFUL.

The rest of the game is great, as expected.

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