I am so excited for this; think I'm going to ask for it for Christmas. Is it worth getting the Zelda wii remote with it extra?
The bit where you have to raise your sword/arm to the sky had me grinning from ear to ear!
What was her beef? I don't think I saw her sidequest!
Well I finally polished this off this weekend and I enjoyed it - but it wasn't the world beater I'd been led to believe it was by all those reviews. Not even close really.
Upsides were the amazing art style (that paintbrush effect for things in the distance just never got old), new ways to fight, some great characters and brilliant set pieces. I loved the lava sections and there were some brilliant bosses - in fact, the whole section in the Asian temple leading up to the automaton boss was pure genius.
Sadly that was partly undone by some really glaring negatives. The controls veered between pitch perfect and just plain broken (the skydving and the flying...) and the padding was frankly inexcusable and entirely unnecessary for a game which is pretty lengthy anyone. I never really took to the Silent Realm sections bar the last one. The world also felt underpopulated and disconnected. I loved going back to old areas and seeing how they'd changed - no problem there, but when the collectathon challenges just kept coming back and bosses were repeated endlessly, I started to lose the will to play. By the time I got to the Song Of The Hero section, I really just wanted it to be over, finished, done with.
Lots of it felt really creaky in retrospect. The world only exists to throw up obstacles in Link's way rather than being an entity in its own right and that really hit hard here. The writing was generally awful too. Throw in Fi and her endless jabbering and the non-stop reminders of what particular treasures were and I could have shoved my Wiimote through the TV at times
Eek, I didn't mean to moan that much. I haven't even started on that hideous section with the floating whale, the swimming, the god awful Scrapper...
Oh well, it was still a great experience, just not one I can ever see myself repeating. The highlights were amazing though and are definitely sticking out now that some of the pain has receded. And that final boss was pretty damn incredible looking - shame we didn't see more of him. His sidekick wasn't nearly as interesting.
I'm off to Xenoblade Chronicles now - let's see how I get on with that. Then I'm going to finally give Twilight Princess a try. There's something about Zelda that is just incredibly compelling even though it's not been perfect for a long time now.
I thought about trying this but the controls sound like a pain in the arse, they really should've made a mode with proper button controls even if it would've required reworking more stuff.