The OFFICIAL Victoria Beckham topic (1 Viewer)

Although rice cakes are so out of fashion, it’s all about lenti cakes now.
you people are crazy. I bet it's just harmless GOSS (hopefully).

If not, then it just highlights what an anxious, deeply insecure, poor suffering soul she really is :shock:
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This is only her dinner remember! I'm sure she's having a Full English every morning then popping down to the nearest branch of Pumpkin for lunch :disco:
I mean her husband is saying that the one time 10-20 years ago when she ate a bite out of his plate was one the happiest days in his life.

Imagine what a joyous house they have.
She’s singing about as much as she did in the spice girls (they probably also unplugged her mic).
from last week looking FRESH and dour.



Now that it's been acknowledged and officially canon put the double A-side on streaming you coward.
Uber Eats spending big time on advertising :shock:

I love her, she's known for her DRY SENSE OF HUMO(U)R ok?
Imagine being VB and having a daughter in law that hates you (allegedly) and you can't get drunk in peace because she requests the dj to play Wannabe which is Victoria's Roman Empire (Because she only sings like 15 seconds of it) but at the same time it's the reason why you got famous. Having to endure that song at every party must have her livid. CHeers!

Saying that I haven’t listened to it in about 20 years but it certainly was fabulous in its time.
Happy 25th Wedding Anniversary Queen Vic, here's to another 25 years of TRUE LOVE 😍 :eyes:

very apt to be posting this right when Lana's Tough just finished and MAMA started playing. Fuck off Alexa.

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