The Real Housewives of Atlanta (1 Viewer)


I’m the hostess of the dinner
Apr 9, 2005
Now that we have our own forum, each franchise should get a thread.

So how do we fix Atlanta? This season is not working, I’m inclined to blame COVID as they were filming pretty early in the lockdown. But also they need an anchor, Kenya is really more of an antagonist (she’s just an awful friend) and I think they wanted Porsha to step in but she’s doing her own thing.

Kandi and Cynthia are good supporting but also can’t carry a season.

Nene has burned all the bridges, Phaedra means losing Kandi which won’t happen.
This is a good question. Pretty sure they were banking on Porsha as anchor but... eh. Twirl works better in a tandem with someone who really doesn't get along with her (Nene, Kim Fields, Phaedra) rather than as flat out lead.

They'd have to bring in someone who works within this group of women - doesn't feel like Drew is that person but as @Phoenix said, it's COVID season, so everything feels a little off anyways.
I don’t get Drew, she’s not that funny, she’s not that fabulous and she’s not gotten into any drama (she’s barely met the other women). I’m hoping the Cynthia bachelorette trilogy is good.
I had put Atlanta's dull (in comparison to its others) season down to COVID. But actually, Dallas is really delivering this season under the same restrictions.

So I think it's all down to the cast.

Cynthia had pretty much checked out last season, so shouldn't even be here now. Kandi, as lovely as she is, what more does she have to offer? Bravo always talks about Housewives being axed because their story has run its course - I think that could be said of Kandi quite a few seasons ago.

Recast next season around Porsha and Kenya. Drew can stay, if she finally films with literally any other cast member :eyes:. And LaToya can be bumped up to main cast too. And bring back Phaedra. And Apollo's new girlfriend. Cos Apollo.
Yeah I gave up on the new Atlanta after the first episode. Also blamed it on COVID. That picnic/lunch at Cynthia's driveway was beyond tragic.
That first episode of „Belle Collective“ (on OWN) was EVERYTHING Atlanta should be but isn’t:

Everyone is an entrepreneur, they host a ridiculous luncheon and a fight ensues over allegedly terrible hair products.
Yas Dallas is GOOD this season! I can't believe I even typed that.

Atlanta made the STUPID MISTAKE of getting rid of all the quirky characters that formed the dynamic people love about the show, and not replacing them with new ones. Nene and Phaedra are obviously SPECIAL CASES that couldn't be helped - but losing the likes of Sheree, Kim even Claudia and plopping the likes of Eva as new cast members just hasn't worked.

Now Kenya is trying to make it work THE BEST she can, and is stuck with Kandi, Cynthia and Porsha who are hardly the most hilarious and dynamic people to riff off. They were handed messy-boots Yovanna on a plate and didn't sign her to the show!

Bravo trying to make Porsha the new anchor will not work, as she just isn't that appealing and works far better as a support character.
I don't know how they fix it either. I'd bring back Phaedra and Sheree, and immediately add in Yovanna (:D) but even then I don't know if it would work tbh.
"SHUT YOUR MOUTH, @wurst" - Moore, Kenya.

The state of Kenya’s driveway :D. I know she lives underground like the troll she is but fix that concrete.
Also it seems to be finally kicking off next week (7 episodes in).
WHY are all the psychos on this franchise always the hottest?

Yeah he’s hot but the way he treats his wife I’d be afraid he’d hurt me.
This week's episode was fun! It should have been episode 2 of the WHOLE SEASON tbh :D
The boiling tour bus VS Kenya's private jet was :D
The HOUSE they are staying in though...whew chile, I bet it has a WHITE REFRIGERATOR. When they were allocating the rooms I was like KEEP THEM ALL, THEY ARE HIDEOUS!

I don't think I can recall Kenya ever ENJOYING another woman's company as much as she does with LaToya. Baffled why Drew got the peach over LaToya who is much more interesting - or they could have just made her a sixth Housewife. If it's not Kenya/Latoya on screen I'm generally not that interested right now.

Don't really get why Drew is on the show, I'm assuming she brings something later in the season as at the moment she has very FLIMSY reasons to even be hanging around the other women. Hottest (but evil) husband since Apollo though!
Honestly I’m impressed by her readiness to get shot.
Queen Kenya with the solo-takeaway was HILARIOUS :D
These disgusting beach-house-they-are-staying-in episodes are SO FUN and recalling classic Atlanta AT TIMES, but there are too many random friends of (either make them Housewives, or bolster them as big characters? I'm not here for lots of SCRAGS who never appear again) and the aunties VS nieces thing was not cute, as an Atlanta anchored by Porsha is already DEAD TO ME before it happens.

Marlo felt like proper main cast this episode too, shame she caused somebody to DIE!
Kenya is so rude, it’s amazing that a grown woman can be so ignorant.
Kenya is so rude, it’s amazing that a grown woman can be so ignorant.

I'm the COMPLETE OPPOSITE, albeit perhaps blinkered by my love for queen Twirl - but I thought the women dragging Kenya for caring for her CHILD was kind of gross and not the hot take they should be having on TV. They were very rude to Kenya at the dinner scene too ignoring her and going on their phones. I'm really starting to dislike Porsha quite strongly.

The women are clearly SO BORED stuck in that ugly-ass house with nothing to do and nowhere to go :D

The Breonna Taylor scene was very well pitched tonally however.
We must be watching a different show :D of course they were ordering food while she was giving her unrepentant speech. She’d been starving them all day, the way she attacked Tanya says it all.

Also that whole thing with the child was clearly about production. Kenya is that coworker that uses their child to get away from work. You’re filming, leave the baby with the nanny. The audacity of her saying to the other “be my village” when she’s been nothing but horrible to them.
I think the baby thing might have been overlooked had there not been so many similar incidents leading up to it: the private jet down; the ordering food for herself and nobody else; not bothering to have an itinerary for the day and leaving the women hanging around; telling everyone to go to bed at 9.30 :D

But like @Phoenix suggests, I think the frustrations about the baby were being projected onto Kenya as a conduit for production. They've been dragged down to this house for work and nothing has been organised to the point where they're bored. Which probably makes being away from your kids sting that bit more.

Though I've not yet watched last night's episode, the preview for which was absurd!
I hear you both re. Kenya, but I'm still on Kenya's side ANYWAY!
They are grown ass women, they shouldn't need Kenya Moore to PROVIDE FOR THEM, especially when she's going through GREAT PERSONAL TURMOIL :(
Twitter was buzzing about last night’s episode. Can’t wait to watch it.
Another example of Kenya being a horrible girlfriend, exposing everyone after the cameras went down (I’m here for the drama but it solidifies her as a not nice person).

That penis was huge.
Also Drew has to be one of the frumpiest housewives ever. Even her sexy outfit was frumpy.
This week's episode was a RIOT! All in all, the cast trip has properly turned everything around this season. Thankfully.

I'm here for Kenya ratting everyone out the following day, because it extends the drama into the rest of the season. But equally, I'm here for everyone turning on her as a result, cos it's a really shitty thing to do.

And therein lies what Kenya brings best to this show.
This was such a C A M P episode :D the Basic Instinct-inspired confessionals! Kenya and Marlo finally teaming up! :D I loved how sex-positive it was too.
It kind of felt like RHoAtlanta: The Movie rather than a regular episode :D

"Where was I? MInding my business" :disco:

I've never been a Marlo stan, but her and Kenya together are unstoppable. Walk down those stairs and make that foul Porsha's face CRACK girls :disco:
Sheesh this show would be NOTHING without queen Kenya Moore :disco:

(also why is Drew there SNORE!)
After this week's conversation in the divorce lawyer's meeting room, I get the impression that Marc is even more of a nightmare than Kenya is letting on (probably for the sake of her daughter, if not her own pride). A disaster of a man.

Elsewhere in the episode with Kenya, I'm not a fan of her slut-shaming at all. But at the same time, would anything have even happened in the episode were it not for Kenya's antics? And it looks like next week's episode is a continuation of the fall-out from the night with Bolo too. If Kenya went the extra mile and was the one who leaked all of that stuff to the press, then she deserves to stay on this show for as long as she wants. That's some hustle on behalf of her show :disco:
So Kenya being forced to split a cheque, box up her dinner and drive off in her white soft-top Bentley is one of my favourite individual Housewives scenes in AGES* :D

*Obviously Jackie vs Teresa is a given too.
So I started watching from the start, am about five episodes in and loving it. However, in an AWFUL turn of events, Hayu doesn’t work at all in New Zealand due to licensing issues :o So there goes my time killer for isolation.

Anyway, I am shocked that Kim Z genuinely was doing a pop career. Like, it wasn’t all a parody :D
So I started watching from the start, am about five episodes in and loving it. However, in an AWFUL turn of events, Hayu doesn’t work at all in New Zealand due to licensing issues :o So there goes my time killer for isolation.

Anyway, I am shocked that Kim Z genuinely was doing a pop career. Like, it wasn’t all a parody :D

Well, we all like THE BEAT :disco:
Seasons 1-3 of Atlanta are TOTAL GOLD, especially if you just focus on Kim, Sheree and Nene.

I'm not SO FOND of season 4 as it's about 7 episodes too long without enough to sustain it, and Kim and Nene are noticeably checking out. The cast trip to South Africa is quite :D though.

Season 5 and the introduction of HURRICANE KENYA however :disco:

Finally at Episode 8 / 9 or this season and it's starting to gather some PACE. But TOO MANY Friends that don't contribute... YET.
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