The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills (2 Viewers)

Oh not Dorit coming in with the big guns (alcoholism) against PK already


This is big

But then hang on she trusted Kyle with everything but she tells Erika first and asks her not to tell anyone


Wine top up ladies we all know where this will go
I'm so excited that ACADEMY AWARD NOMINEE Jennifer Tilly is joining the cast. Surely the biggest name they've ever gotten on one of these shows? :disco:

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She’s been wonderfully shady in the after show so far. I just hope she brings that energy to the actual show.
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I always wondered how Jennifer Tilly was so rich and turns out she owns a chunk of The Simpsons via her ex-husband.
Not Brandi Glanville trying to claim her bad filler is some sort of parasite that moves around her face. This is sad to see.

She’s ADAMANT she is going to sue Bravo over SOMETHING regarding that season :D
Air the footage and let us decide for ourselves if Caroline Manzo is a repressed late in life big ole dyke or not :shesstartin:
She’s honestly such a breath of fresh air :disco:

I loved her revelation last week that she has a house in Malibu that she won’t go to because it’s haunted :D
I think it helps that, at a point in the show where it’s very obvious that the cast are strictly colleagues who show up for a few months every year to film, Jennifer and Sutton are genuinely lifelong friends who remain delighted by each other. I hope the producers don’t ruin it by forcing them to performatively fight with each other.

I’m quite fascinated by the Tilly sisters in general. They have such a wild back story. From growing up in insane poverty with an abusive rapist step father to both becoming Oscar nominated actresses with wildly different personalities. (Her sister Meg has kids with Colin Firth while, as mentioned, Jennifer nursed Simpsons co-creator Sam Simon through terminal cancer and wound up quite ludicrously rich!)

I don't consider the recapping of her eldest son's addiction a storyline either. If he had a conversation with her about his resentment or feeling abandoned by her during that time, then WELL YES.

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