The Real Housewives of Dallas (1 Viewer)

May 9, 2014
Just a POLITE heads up that I'm CONSIDERING starting a DALLAS topic on account of that I'm really enjoying the current season, mainly thanks to DR MOON (obv) and D'Andra really letting her FREAK FLAG FLY FREE :disco:

I am however concerned I may be the ONLY person that posts in it :D
Oh I’ll be there



I'm quite tempted to RENAME this topic to Dallas for the perverse optics that Dallas could somehow generate 45 pages of discussion :D
Tiffany has said that she's thinking of leaving the showing and remaining a one-season-wonder, as filming took her away from her kids too much :(
Tiffany has said that she's thinking of leaving the showing and remaining a one-season-wonder, as filming took her away from her kids too much :(

Do you believe that? I don’t. These people, even the most intelligent, get addicted to fame immediately. She’ll come back if they want her.
I really dislike the other red head who’s always there. Couldn’t they have photoshopped her out. Also what’s with these women and using suicide/suicide attempts as a way to win arguments, it’s gross.
Do you believe that? I don’t.

I do believe that she's considering it, yes.

Based on the scenes we've seen of her where it's clearly paining her to leave her kids to go to her actual full-time job, it's not too difficult to believe that she'll want to cut any further time she spends away from them.

She'll definitely be asked back, as she's been very popular. But I think she'll either decline, or bargain with them that she films reduced hours in her second season.

She's only been on the show for a few episodes, but she already seems to be quite different from many of the other women who appear on these shows.
See I thought the whole thing with her husband was a preamble in order for her to go part time so she can be around her kids more/film more. But we’ll see.
I totally love this season of Dallas SO FAR btw, it's my second TV highlight of the week after DRUK :D I NEVER thought I'd say that about Dallas.

Whilst awful, that they seem to exist in a semi-NON COVID WORLD really helps dial up the escapism for me, and it's really giving me season 3/4 New York energy - greatly increased by Tiffany being by far the closest to Bethenny's successor we've ever SEEN, and D'Andra really taking on the Sonja Morgan role.

TALKING of D'Andra- - has she ALWAYS been this out-there? :D She's always been a bit kooky, but she's going full-pelt this season and I'm here for it. Her COCAINE HELL reveal had me chuckling.

Also reversing my opinion on Kary, as she's proving to be a Jill Zarin-style irritant, except without the MONEY!
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Brandi to go though. I ACCEPT we'll never get rid of Stephanie as long as this flop show airs :eyes: but Brandi brings me nothing but poop jokes and SQUALOR!

Not aspirational in the slightest, and I absolutely can't see the rest of the cast apart from Stephanie, hanging out with her outside of filming.
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Tiffany has said that she's thinking of leaving the showing and remaining a one-season-wonder, as filming took her away from her kids too much :(

I MUST ADMIT her TEAR FUELLED MOTHER SLAGGING-OFF scene with husband (who didn't give a shit) was the first time I'd rolled my eyes at her a bit. If your life is SO BUSY that you can't see your kids, why on EARTH have you signed up to a reality TV show that you are filming RIGHT NOW? :D

This will of course be OVERLOOKED in the long run however, as she's my fave :disco:
Bitch Sesh podcast made a great point this week that as much as she moans that she works too much and doesn’t have time to spend with her kids, she always has the time to be in perfect hair and make up. :D
Bitch Sesh podcast made a great point this week that as much as she moans that she works too much and doesn’t have time to spend with her kids, she always has the time to be in perfect hair and make up. :D

Like Bethenny, she's clearly a narcissist! Her TikTok (that she posts to Instagram) is OVERLOADED with new posts EVERY DAY that clearly take a lot more than a FEW MINUTES to just knock up :D Not to mention her KETAMINE CANDLE business :D

If Dallas gets another season (which I think it will, as it's already set up and easy to film in a COVID WORLD), I would be SHOCKED if she's a one and done :D
D’Andra’s casual reveal of 13 ENGAGEMENTS and ex-cokehead was :disco:

Somewhere Ms Staub is SEETHING.

Also her ass made of steel as everyone took turns paddling her.

Another D’Andra highlight was the preview for next week when her shaman (who’s just a white guy in dreadlocks) goes “you’re a queen”.
Watching Tiffany throw a party really shows her lack of social skills. She was like a child.

Also please no more Jen. She’s dark sided.
The introduction to Jen in every episode, only for them to cut all of her dialogue yet keep all the lingering shots of her staring numbly at the other women is getting quite :D

At this point, I want them to bring her out at the reunion, introduce her, and then not acknowledge her again while she sits there watching for ten hours. :disco:
Tiffany did set herself up for failure with that party quite early on, but the women really went all out with making it hell for her. The alarm signalling the end of the dinner :D The "we have 30 seconds to go", drowning out Tiffany's "I don't mind if you stay - at least finish your wine" :D :D :D

Brandi, however, lost any re-gained goodwill by her reaction to finding out she'd quite enjoyed eating crickets.
Someone pointed out on Twitter, and I really noticed it this week - that they're almost rebuilding the entire show around Tiffany, she gets a lot more solo scenes than anyone else. But honestly, I'm here for it.

It's strange to see production place so much of a bet on a new cast member, but I think it's definitely paid off.
I need D’Andra to stop this shaman nonsense and not hold back on Kary.
GAGGED by how big Kam's feet are :D
The Housewives franchise really needs to just bundle these women off on random trips for the foreseeable doesn't it. It's done Dallas the WORLD of good.

D'Andra is rapidly becoming a LOON HOUSEWIFE favourite week by week, love her inferring she's shagged a bunch of ugly ass c-list rockstars :disco: and whilst initially annoying, Kary is really becoming a fantastic villain :D
I wish they'd filmed her and D'Andra flogging their tat at TRUNK SALES over the Summer :D

She feels like the dead wood this season. I swear she wasn’t even at the table during the dinner fight in the last episode? :D If I hadn’t seen her kiss Kary’s ass earlier in the episode I would have sworn she wasn’t even on the trip!

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