The Real Housewives of Dallas (1 Viewer)

I’m midway through season 3 of this and while it’s not top tier RH, it’s not as bad as I expected. They’re certainly a better bunch than the OC ladies. No hot husbands though, Jeremy is probably the best looking. Court reminds me of Jules from NY’s husband. I love Cary but eek, Mark...
I’m midway through season 3 of this and while it’s not top tier RH, it’s not as bad as I expected. They’re certainly a better bunch than the OC ladies. No hot husbands though, Jeremy is probably the best looking. Court reminds me of Jules from NY’s husband. I love Cary but eek, Mark...

The Kary everyone hates is not the same Cary. Season 3 is probably the best season along with 2.
OK I'm going to award D'Andra my 'best Housewives solo storyline on any franchise' award for this year :D I cannot get ENOUGH of her dodgy family dealings :D and it's totally the only thing KEEPING me tune in each week, aside from another sloppy drunk group scene :D It's so nice to see she's risen the ranks to be a proper fan favourite this season too, Stephanie, Brandi and LeeAnn must be FUMING!

I also thought this was the final episode of the season, and when they went in with the proper Dallas TV show intro graphics I took it as a bellweather that it was probably going to be the last EVER episode of the show outside of the reunion :D

If Kary really does smash up the actual Dallas mansion in the next episode surely she's toast. Locally at least it must be like somebody from Cheshire smashing up BUCKINGHAM PALACE :D
It's so nice to see she's risen the ranks to be a proper fan favourite this season too, Stephanie, Brandi and LeeAnn must be FUMING!

And Kary :D And probably Kameron, too.

It's now the D'Andra and Tiffany show and everyone else is just guesting in it.

It's just unfortunate that everyone else has potentially gotten it cancelled :(
They didn’t even give her a ring light.
It’s like some sleep paralysis demon

Nicole from Cheshire (:zombie:) ASIDE, I honestly think Brandi is the least aspirational Housewife of ALL TIME. She's literally impossible to stan. Even TEDDI brought an element of property porn to the table - what does Brandi have? POOP JOKES!

What on earth is Kam bringing receipts for? :D Has she done ANYTHING all season aside from force her husband to buy a bigger house? :D And is she honestly coming for Tiffany's chicken feet AGAIN? Do these stupid women NEVER LEARN!
Just as the first episode of the reunion was airing, Kary announced that her and husband have split.

This had better not buy her another season :zombie:
Saw someone on reddit mention this and now I can't unsee it



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I hate to admit it, but as this season HURTLES :eyes: towards it's end I've realised that...I'm kind of obsessed with Kary..? :D

She's been SUCH an agent of absolute CHAOS this season, equal only to Dorinda's reign of drunken terror on New York season 12. If this show somehow makes it to season 6, I really hope she doesn't get axed - remove Stephanie and Brandi instead. Did Stephanie even SPEAK at the reunion this week?

In other news, I know I'm repeating myself but D'Andra and Tiffany are just TOO GOOD for this show. Tiffany gave a New York-worthy performance at the reunion this week. Kam might have looked stunning, but she really showed her stupid ass.

D'Andra using the term "milquetoast" absolutely KILLED ME. Oh and lol at utterly useless friend of Jen apparently not even being invited to the reunion :D
I do wonder what will happen to Dallas now. It's obvious it's just not connecting, but Tiffany is a clear favourite of both Andy and the fans, and it would be INJUST to cut her off after a season.

I've read that the Dallas women get paid so little to be on the show that by the time new wardrobes and glam are factored in they are essentially PAYING to be on the show themselves. It obviously doesn't cost much to make, especially if they are currently just doing cast trips around Texas instead of overseas - maybe they'll just keep it going and eventually fold it into the Peacock app along with the Miami reboot.

It makes me lol sometimes that Stephanie takes the time to reply to ANY Housewives Instagram account that mentions Dallas thanking them :D // :(
I liked the reunion. The thought of Stephanie chocking Travis till he passes away.......Kam came off so badly. I forgot that Brandi was in the episode but I guess next week will be about her and her cheating husband.
I want to like Kam but she makes it so difficult. Between teaming up with Leanne last season to going up against Tiffany this season - she makes the worst choices.

I know I'm repeating myself but D'Andra and Tiffany are just TOO GOOD for this show.

This cannot be repeated enough. Keep putting it out into the universe so that the whole show is re-cast around these two.

I mean it’s not shocking but to be stupid enough to voice these opinions
Jesus what a bunch of fucking clowns. Surely the ratings aren't worth holding onto this trash for. Chuck Tiffany and D'Andra (and Dee) onto another show and scrap this junk.
They need to ditch Katy, Brandi and Kam for season 6, bring back Cary Deuber and two newbies.

Also Jim Marchese found crying in a corner as he finally lost his worst RH husband title.
Has Kam been fired yet? The second part of the reunion, and how she's talking to Tiffany is just...:zombie: never mind those follow up Tweets above.
I actually like(d) Kam too! All she had to too was keep up her dumb kooky persona, and not show herself as a racist?

They can totally build a show around D'Andra, Tiffany and Kary, but is it even WORTH IT any more?
THAT SAID I've already seen season 6 casting rumours starting on Twitter so maybe IT IS! :D
I'm SO HAPPY D'Andra has shown herself to be a pretty decent person through all of this though :D QUEEN!

Probably the Housewife I'd most like to share a bottle and wine (and WHATEVER ELSE) with at this point :disco:
Tiffany being vague on social media about moving on from Real Housewives.

It would be such a shame if she left - considering all she really needs to do is go to the production company and give them an ultimatum to sack everyone aside from D'Andra, or she's done. I genuinely believe they'd do whatever she asked! :D
Tiffany DEAD apparently :(

Think it's pretty shocking Bravo haven't sacked Kam already. I haven't really been following it due to Eurovision brain, but a quick scan of reddit seems to suggest Kam and her husband have led a gross social media campaign against Tiffany this week...
I don’t blame her. How can she feel safe on that cast? What a shame. Dallas stays rotting.
After the Westcott gang-up on her, tagging her employers in their tweets, I can't say I blame her for walking away. But it feels so wrong that she is going and not the actual racists in the cast.
Tiffany DEAD apparently :(

Think it's pretty shocking Bravo haven't sacked Kam already. I haven't really been following it due to Eurovision brain, but a quick scan of reddit seems to suggest Kam and her husband have led a gross social media campaign against Tiffany this week...

That's a real woman? She looks like choose your own story games I constantly get ads for

It’s already been changed to Cast Member of Season 5 of RHOD.

I think someone was craving attention this morning.

There were Twitter rumours that a couple of KARY's friends were being considered for a possible season 6. All this speculation about a show nobody bothers to watch :D

If Tiffany DOES return for the mythical season 6 they need to let her reshoot her title card and intro sequence.
That cheap little dress and gormless Lydia face are NOT IT nor do they represent her well :D :wow:
I am not here for a Camille Season 2 redemption arc for Kary. GET RID!
I mean, Andy should have shut this shit down at the reunion. Amazing it's taken them this long to say something - it seems like this has been going on for about a FORTNIGHT?

What a sad fucking hill for Kam to die on. WHY!
Couple of things:

- it should never have been allowed get to this stage, Andy should've shut it down immediately at the reunion
- why did they not name Kam? they were quick enough to call out Kenya
- unless they act on it, this is all just performative.
Rumours ABOUND that common sense has prevailed and that D'Andra, Tiffany and Kameron are being kept on for the new season with three new wives. And Stephanie, Brandi and Kary have been axed.

Looking back, Brandi's fall from grace during her last season was really quite spectacular :disco: Good riddance.
Kary axed? So much for a divorce/redemption storyline now.

Cary Deuber to return please.

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