The Real Housewives of Orange County (1 Viewer)


I’m the hostess of the dinner
Apr 9, 2005
I guess we should have a thread about what is currently the worst franchise. The indignity of have a two part reunion on your 16th season.

Also Kelly is such a moron. Even when she tried to come for Brown wind she did it all wrong about her alcoholism. She’s so stupid.

Brawnwyn is the worst, the lies are endless.

I believe Shanon is an alcoholic (since her first season, she was always knocking those straight up vodkas). Also she’s obviously paying for that boyfriend.

Gina has grown on me quite a bit. Emily as well but she’s a dirty Trumper. I think they will survive the coming culling.
Oh and Kelly screaming I’M BLACK in the preview of next week :goodgrief:
She’s apparently basing it on a Twenty Three & Me DNA result that said she was 2.5% African.

Which ironically is the most WHITE THING YOU CAN SAY.
Also never a bad time to repost the original Kelly comment

I'm going to watch the reunion having been forced to TAP OUT of this season as I found it so unappealing. Kelly claiming she is black is SOMETHING ELSE!

Has there been any casting rumours for the next season? I read it's due to start filming in February, and SURELY now is the time to clear the house. I wonder whether they will even bother, or just quietly run the show into the ground :D
I'm actually quite enjoying season 15 bizarrely (I'm only eight episodes in though, and the next episode is from when filming was temporarily halted).

Sack Kelly Dodd, beg Heather Dubrow to come back, and find a suitable replacement for Braunwyn (she's hinted this week that she's not really up for another season) and I'm more than happy to keep watching this absolute mess of a show.
I thought this was quite interesting, stolen from reddit:

Live + 7 (days after) ratings for week of 12/28/20-1/3/21
  • Below Deck
    • 0.81 18-49 demographic
    • 2,564,000 viewers
  • Real Housewives of Atlanta
    • 0.71 18-49 demographic
    • 1,903,000 viewers
  • Real Housewives of Orange County
    • 0.70 18-49 demographic
    • 2,052,000 viewers
  • Real Housewives of Salt Lake City
    • 0.52 18-49 demographic
    • 1,291,000 viewers
  • Real Housewives of Dallas
    • 0.29 18-49 demographic
    • 830,000 viewers
+7 days ratings for this season of OC are actually pretty respectable, and it has a really strong demographic rating.
It's also rating better than the current season of Atlanta - I believe this is before streaming figures are factored in too.

This makes me think a cast shake up may not be coming for OC at all next season, aside from perhaps a slight reshuffle.

For comparison, live viewing figures for OC and Atlanta:

Real Housewives of Orange County 9:00 PM
  • 0.30 18-49 demographic (+30.4% from last episode)
  • 1,005,000 viewers (+22.3% from last episode)
Real Housewives of Atlanta 8:00 PM
  • 0.39 18-49 demographic (-2.5% from last episode)
  • 1,180,000 viewers (-3.2% from last episode)
I'm very relieved at those +7 figures for Salt Lake City. It was pulling in only 400,000 for some episodes in the overnights, and I thought it would for sure be cancelled.

Surprised to see any franchise do better than Atlanta, but especially OC!
lol at almost all the comments on this one just being "GET RID OF BOTH"

I don't think I've ever been so perched to see what they do with a franchise after this season, I've never (not)watched such a franchise car crash in real time before.
OMG not this season of OC pulling in another week of genuinely QUITE STRONG ratings (and demo), especially for a show so many seasons in :D / :zombie:

Andy has hinted at a reBOOT on Twitter :eyes: so they are obviously aware of the issues, despite rating well.

I’m watching the second part of the reunion and Kelly keeps digging herself in deeper and deeper and deeper
I have 4 black friends

I’m black, look at my 23 and me

Whew that part 2 of the reunion. A stone cold mess. I just ZONED out towards the end as Kelly was just being absolutely horrendous, and I don't care about Elizabeth.

What WAS of note is how checked out Andy was by the end, barely being able to hide his disinterest and giving one word answers. Then they hastily whack on the theme tune during whoever did the end speech and it was over in seconds :D Quite telling that it got a 2 part reunion (which lets face it, it could have been a ONE PART) when Salt Lake City gets THREE.

Shannon seems AWARE of the mess the show is too, keeping borderline silent for almost the entire episode :D
Kelly has been so sad to watch. Her first few seasons were hilarious. How she ended up here is just a total mess, and I can only see her spiralling further a la Nene.
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For one brief shining moment she was probably my favourite Housewife of all time. But now...

Apparently they’re taking a year off, almost everybody is OUT, Tamra is BACK, Heather Dubrow has apparently DECLINED :D Gretchen has also been asked but won’t return if Tamra is.

That may well be fanfiction but it’s currently the buzz on Twitter.
I do feel like a lot of Housewives casting rumours generally turn out to be grounded in reality, so it's a good indication that they seem to be looking to the past if these ARE true.

I can't really be arsed with a total reboot with all new women tbh :D
Honestly, just give us Heather, Alexis, Gretchen, Vicki and Tamra back together. I'd also add Lizzie Rovsek into the mix too, to keep Tamra in check. And Shannon, just in case Heather gets bored of gaslighting Alexis and Gretchen.

Bring back Peggy so she can take down Kyle from the OC

I'm racking my brain trying to think of an OC Housewife I'd not prefer to come back before Kelly COVID Dodd, and I can't think of one. Even the inspiration for Moira Rose's wig wall, Quinn Fry would be more welcome back at this point.
Well I have finally managed to get into RHOC after several false starts. Thanks to @jivafox I have started on S8. Halfway through now.


1. Everybody is back :zombie: apart from Elizabeth (WHO!), with Gina and Emily on possibly shorter term contracts that could allow them to be dropped down to Friend Ofs.
2. Tamra and Heather return rumours have RESURFACED, but with a rather unclear source so I'm putting that down to an over excited fanbase than anything that's actually going to happen. Tamra has seemingly hinted she might be back, but as a Friend Of than main.
3. Apparently we will find out within the next week as contracts go out. I can't see Shannon being let go seeing as they were shooting a Peacock pilot with her at some point this year.

Not sure why I CARE so much, as I honestly couldn't make it through the last season :D I just want it to be GOOD again. It amazes me that the show could easily pull together an All Star cast from thirsty but entertaining former OC Housewives, yet production are weirdly reluctant to do it :D
Not asking Heather to come back is the biggest WTF of this whole franchise.

It's *such* a no brainer.

I would actually be happy to sit through another season of Braunwyn - if it meant her getting passive aggressively annihilated by Heather Dubrow :disco:
The best Housewives return since Bethenny came back to New York.

I hope they get the casting of the two (?) new wives right. Heather needs women a lot more interesting to bounce off than regular old Emily and Gina. And she's already had her fun with man old Shannon.

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