The Real Housewives of Sydney (1 Viewer)

KC 🦋

Nov 13, 2012
This is really something else... has anyone watched it yet? You can imagine how vile you'd have to be to try and OUTDO Melbourne.

Impressions so far:

Krissy: Totally drunk half the time lol she seems like she's gonna give us some key moments.
Victoria: Already ESSENTIAL. Bitter, rude and vile :disco: "Do you know what I think of this Athena? You can go get your fucking cape and I’ll see you later" *biffs cape overboard* :D!
Nicole: I think probably the basic one who'll accidentally end up causing trouble. Stunning woman though.

Matty: Oh. My. WORD. Where did they SCOOP this WOG QUEEN up from?! My favourite. The accent is life itself. I can't wait for some lifechanging FOB moments from this one.

Lisa: I like her so far. I like how secretly jealous she is lol "But at lunch you knew she was giving handjobs to all the boys behind the bike sheds" LOL that's an asset love.
AthenaX: Oy. This one is gonna be the love-to-hate of this franchise. I LOVE how quickly she turned NOXIOUS "zip it!"
Melissa: I think she might end up being the non-confrontational neutral one. Which I do like, but there can only be a maximum of one of those.

SO I caught the first two episodes of this when I was in Sydney...and I LOVE IT!! SO good.

My fave is Victoria. 'Jats Crackers' or whatever she says. She's an older Joan Rivers mixed with Anastacia Heavy Rotation era :disco:

Athena X is something else.

Matty is just hilarious. And Lisa :D

So many gold moments in the first two episodes, I don't know where to start.

Krissy is just great. Her Mother at the dinner table! She reminds me of a beefier younger Janice Dickinson lookwise.
I don't know where I can watch this now. I do hope itvBe pick it up. But as they chucked the second series of Melbourne out all in one week I am not sure.
it's easily streamable online if you want a link?

my easy favourite is victoria, smart, funny and a self-aware cunt. i like lisa a lot too...athena is sort of a poor man's angela stone from auckland franchise, matty has chops but the rest are just sort of 'THERE'...

really watchable thus far. motel or whatever the people behind it are called know what they are doing
Victoria is horrendous. What a bitter old cunt.

Lisa I oddly find rather ENDEARING.

And POPSTAR Melissa is fabulous, if boring.
I could watch Melissa's 'Just another night in Sydney' clip OVAH and OVAH
Okay mostly horrendous individuals but the utterly ridiculous Matty probably my favourite :D
I liked the idea of using BROCOLLI as the word to make Athena stop
Watching the reunion and the picking apart Lisa’s lies is great. my fave obviously when she almost drowned…

FINALLY, this morbidly obese guy on a kayak towing a giant inflatable swan came by
I read Foxtel are keen to bring Sydney back after that compilation video of Lisa Oldfield had millions of views on Twitter :D There’s also a new real housewives of Gold Coast in development too :disco:

No word on Melbourne :(
Order of essentialness:

0. ATHENA (change your mind hun... namaste)
1. Leafblower Matty
2. Vile Victoria
3. Lisa (constantly doing the international distress symbol for drowning please)
4-6. The others
7. Potplant Melissa
I've been rewatching this but for some reason the reunion isn't on Hayu and also seems impossible to find online :shock: It seems to have been so thoroughly scrubbed that I'm wondering whether there's something nefarious going on...
Also, my possibly unpopular hot take - Athena X has one of the most attractive husbands of the Housewives shows I've watched (which isn't MANY to be fair).
I've been rewatching this but for some reason the reunion isn't on Hayu and also seems impossible to find online :shock: It seems to have been so thoroughly scrubbed that I'm wondering whether there's something nefarious going on...
It was definitely there a few weeks ago. It's the only episode I haven't watched but needed a long time to BRACE MYSELF and FIND NAMESTE before watching, so if it's been scrubbed I'll be annoyed.

(Or maybe it's for the best...)

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