The Traitors (NZ) (1 Viewer)


Hooligan high on poppers
Apr 25, 2020
Chromatica Return Flight
There is a psychic!

Based on the first 20 minutes it seems to be following the UK version editing wise, rather than Australia. I'm very grateful for that.
I'll continue talking to myself until others catch up.


Beyond excited about this recruitment. Colin looks AMAZING in that cape.

I'm very confused why the faithful know for certain how many traitors there are at every point. Don't they need to go into the final not knowing how many have made it?
Obviously produced on a bit of a poundland budget but I am enjoying this immensely! Can’t wait for episode 9. They have a great cast (I know NZ is small but why do all these “celebrities” on this show seem to know each other haha! - thankfully it hasn’t stopped them from playing the game!)

The production and structure of each episode is as close to the UK version as we have seen (and that’s definitely a good thing because the Australian way to produce a reality show is infuriating!)
I couldn’t help myself and started watching too. This is just as exciting but also most of these seem to come from the same group which has made them clock each other far easier than if they had been total strangers to each other. Still it seems like a the whole cast has at least watched the other shows and aren’t completely dumb as in the other shows.

The deliberation room is hilariously cheap though.

And the chests too
I’m loving Brodie even though her voice and manners remind me of Jackie from RHOM.
Is anyone still watching this?

Final episode spoiler:
This got a little boring in the last couple of episodes. The faithfuls seeming to know exactly how many traitors there are made things a little less exciting.

I wanted to Colin to win (what a queen!) but the faithfuls winning was the next best thing.
yeah I finished this too and felt exactly the same. Them knowing how many traitors there were so late in the game definitely killed the tension. I wonder if there was some production mistake or something that leaked the info, because otherwise it was just rigging it for the already pretty successful Faithful
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It already felt much easier as many of them seemed to know each other well.
Did the UK version always have 3 traitors at the most? This group seem to have watched previous seasons (unlike their Aussie friends :eyes: )
I finished watching this last night as an appetiser for Claudia & Co.

I enjoyed it though it did fluctuate here and there. I wasn’t sure if this was due to the show or to me having seen several versions now.

Definitely a stronger bunch of faithfuls but perhaps this was due to knowing each other or to information they were made privvy to. I may have missed it but how would they know someone had been blackmailed rather than recruited and refer to it specifically as a blackmailing?

The intro bugged me too “19 COMPLETE strangers” followed by “oh he introduced me to my wife”, “she’s the one I’m closest to outside of here”, “we play poker together” etc.
Yeah production values were a bit low, and a prize fund of the equivalent of £35k is taking the piss (giving the cost of living there) but overall enjoyable enough as a season. I’ve read vague things that season two is much improved which is good. The round tables really were rather dull - I know Kiwis tend to be more reserved and I guess nice (in some ways), but the lack of any sort of confrontation or drama really did make it rather dull.

Some silly editing as well - giving us the three potential victims but then having two show up in the first half of breakfast etc was all rather amateur, but as it’s a first series and obviously on a much lower budget it gets a pass.
giving us the three potential victims but then having two show up in the first half of breakfast etc was all rather amateur
On the contrary I think that's clever production; it's too obvious to the faithfuls who isn't a traitor if the last people to breakfast are always last night's potential victims.
Oh totally agree with you from that point of view (quite strongly), but seems a bit daft as a viewer. I’m sure many of the three aren’t even close to being murdered anyway (they’ll just take three sound bits from the traitors chat that fit the best with the editing) so it’s probably rather moot.
S2 is honestly one of my favourite seasons across all franchises. I found S1 to be good but dull.

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