The Traitors POST SHOW predictions/reality (1 Viewer)

May 9, 2014
So now it's all over we have about 48 hours before we all get utterly sick of the sight of them :disco:

The casting was interesting, as a large amount of the cast were actively pursuing (and generally failing) some sort of career in the media - be it as an influencer, actor, MAGICIAN etc.

My thoughts:
Alex is the only one I can see really getting any kind of sustained media career, and that's mainly as an influencer in the LOVE ISLAND style trope.
I imagine doing this show was part of a plan to up her social numbers to allow her to sign with an influencer agency and get those TIKTOK BRAND DEALS come in. I can imagine The Traitors just being a footnote as she tries to flog mountains of tat using her SPECIAL DISCOUNT CODE in a few years #ad

Amanda - I would rarely encourage this, but she really does have a VERY small window to earn a fairly decent amount of money doing PAs at regional gay bars and clubs right now :D
Truly she could easily earn at least what she would have won had she won the show if she can be bothered to graft a bit whilst people still care. Throw in a cheap and tacky bontempi-sounding uptempo GAY DISCO SINGLE ('The Welsh Dragons's REVENGE'?? it could be called) and she has something to actually DO during these appearances.
I'd also encourage her to post a bunch of "iconic" TikTok and Instagram videos for an ever-decreasing audience of internet gays, and she could be well on her way to become the new Holly Jervais :disco:
Also clearly being bought back for The Traitors: All Stars in 2025.

Wilf and Theo - clearly going to make The Traitors their entire personality, and BOY are they going to get annoying in a few months/weeks/days/hours time :D do NOT follow on social media

Andrea - death probably

Any thoughts GIRLS?
Aaron’s too pretty not to be famous. Send him to Love Island.

I really don’t need Theo rubbishgai-ing all over my screens.
PERFECTLY happy to see him MINCING IT UP for years to come / filming TikToks of him bursting into tears when the local Sainsbury's is all out of passata :disco:

Obviously I hope John ends up being convicted for MURDER after Kenneth Halliwell'ing some POOR INNOCENT GLASWEGIAN HIMBECILE
John only lasting about four episodes and still emerging as the hate figure of the season is such an epic gay flop. I live!

I said it in another thread, but FUMING John and Theo were the gay male representation, whilst lesbians got icon Andrea :D

I'd take Aaron as a NICE BUT BLAND gay if he feels the need to COME OUT!
Amanda is absolutely going to gild the lily but I'm hoping she has the sense to at least limit it to a mere Jackie Weaver level of overdoing it, rather than the full Amy Anzel.
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I hope Maddy does get some work, but I can only really see Stacey Soloman LITE.
Seeing as half of them seem to have done presenting or acting or radio, it'd be nice if the BBC got a couple of them back to front the inevitable spin-off show.
Josie Gibson's career is getting stronger. She had to go through quite a few very fallow years, though.

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