I've been most excited about completing this, because I actually FANCIED THE LIVING FUCK out of a BIG amount of the cast (well, all of the top seven really).
1. Matt- Just beautiful. That hair did strange things to me. And oddly not my usual type. Would probably cry after you fuck him. Which, thinking about it, IS my usual type.
2. Tom- The odd one for me, but Tom could use his magic wand on me any time. I don't know why. Smile? Eyes? Obvious psychotic tendencies? Almost number one but the meltdown put me off a bit.
3. Aaron- Poor, beautiful, dumb Aaron. Seemingly from LITERALLY around the corner from me. Obviously going to bump into him in Waitrose (ok, probably Lidl) and he'll fall in love with me. That arse...
4. Wilf- Something so attractive about someone so evil. The constant talk about boxing makes me want to lick him in the ring etc. etc.
5. Ivan- Lovely bookish Ivan's queeny exit made my dick twitch a little bit. Lovely smile. You just want to marry him so you could get a bottle of decent conditioner in that hair...
6. Kieran- Daddy (younger than me) you'd pull in one of those shit London pubs that didn't sell branded beer, fuck you up, do a line of gear on your bedroom table and go back to his wife before the clock had hit midnight. And I'm here for it.
7. Imran- Kinda hot in a beautifully geeky way, and I think would be higher if we'd had longer together but a bit of a blank slate and the super intelligence means he's blatantly going to correct your pronunication of something halfway through orgasm.
8. Amos- Too muscly for me and just a bit dull overall. You know, the sort who gets freaked out by spunk.
9. Theo- You just know that queeny meltdown is being repeated when you order him the Uber because you've "got something on" but really are just bored with him playing mid 00s girl groups on Alexa the morning after.
10. Rayan- Rayan would do SO much better with facial hair, which is about the best I can say, I think.
11. John- Utterly repulsive from start to finish. That older, sneery gay with a chip on his shoulder, who thinks the youngsters should pay him lip service for "fighting for the cause", when really he came after the hard work had been done. Oh hold on. That's me.