The Traitors (UK) S03E05 (1 Viewer)

Tyler doesn't have the brains to mount a successful combat to the Traitor accusations.

I'd not noticed Livi before now but I'm quickly finding her INSUFFERABLE
Is Lisa seriously not going to reveal her secret cult membership?
Never mind Tyler! You were annoying & thick as mince but you did have a nice arse & that's ALL THAT COUNTS
This is amazing. They haven’t got the foggiest!
Dan Bond villain every 5 minutes “that’s the game!” is doing my tits in
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Minah's my girl

GIF by Slice
Oh Dan being obsessed with Minah! Can’t wait for that Scouse on Scouse violence
Linda: “I’m not a traitor”

*shifts glasses mysteriously*
How can one person always look so shifty

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