The Traitors (UK) S03E12 - The FINAL - BBC1 8:30 PM Friday (1 Viewer)

Who will WIN!?

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I'm still sticking with 3 winners: Leanne, Jake and Alexander.

I remember us all saying in both previous seasons how the finale was a foregone conclusion and then being surprised so I wouldn't put it past them to do something crazy (the players, not the production!)
I feel a bit bad for Charlotte who I feel would probably have had this stitched up without that last minute twist. I've enjoyed her supervillain arc and am sad she won't get the spoils.
I too have selected Leanne and Jake as winners, because this world is so awful, but to be clear I would literally like anything else
I've not worked it out LOGICALLY but somewhere there's a sequence of events that leads to Frankie confiding in Alexander only and they work together to end up the sole Faifthful winners and live happily ever after ♥️
I’d be into this outcome but it’s highly doubtful
What's the Jake-Alexander dynamic like? Is there any chance that Alexander would be able to sway Jake's mind that Leanne could be a traitor (if they vote again)?
Maybe there will be a twist and Leanne gets offed for real ❤️
I worked out a tactic that wouldn’t automatically doom Fran and Charlotte, and gives them both a chance of winning (better than 0%).

First they need to agree between them to lie to everyone and say Charlotte is confirmed faithful.

Then, they agree between them to whittle the cast down to three (ideally leaving Alexander).

Then, when there’s only three of them left, they agree to inform Alexander that they had no choice but to lie, and that one of them is a traitor. Alexander has to decide which is more likely to be a traitor.
I worked out a tactic that wouldn’t automatically doom Fran and Charlotte, and gives them both a chance of winning (better than 0%).

First they need to agree between them to lie to everyone and say Charlotte is confirmed faithful.

Then, they agree between them to whittle the cast down to three (ideally leaving Alexander).

Then, when there’s only three of them left, they agree to inform Alexander that they had no choice but to lie, and that one of them is a traitor. Alexander has to decide which is more likely to be a traitor.
Which will all be forgotten as soon as Leanne drops her fork at dinner
I worked out a tactic that wouldn’t automatically doom Fran and Charlotte, and gives them both a chance of winning (better than 0%).

First they need to agree between them to lie to everyone and say Charlotte is confirmed faithful.

Then, they agree between them to whittle the cast down to three (ideally leaving Alexander).

Then, when there’s only three of them left, they agree to inform Alexander that they had no choice but to lie, and that one of them is a traitor. Alexander has to decide which is more likely to be a traitor.
Fran definitely needs to lie to stand any chance at all, but I fear she doesn't have it in her.
Well I'm back home, have drinks in me AND lined up for this very special and no doubt disappointing episode.
This series has seemed so huge... maybe it's an echo chamber but it feels like everyone I talk to is watching it this year.
I wonder if Charlotte can lie and also tell Fran that one of the other players is also a traitor. Although I’m not sure what good that would do…
I think I'd take Charlotte screwing over Francesca to stop a Leanne/Jake win

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