The Traitors UK S3 Anticipation Thread (1 Viewer)

Looking forward to it though I did prefer my binge watching experience of the first series compared to the “as aired” experience of this year’s one but it’s simply too hard to avoid spoilers online to take the risk of a binge watch.
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marge simpson GIF

We’d have never got this without live discussion viewing (I like to think)

I suspect the BBC will ramp up promo for this once G&S is out of the way.

It really does make the thought of January much more tolerable.
Just wondering if I can fit a rewatch of S2 in during the festive gooch.
What’s the broadcast schedule for iplayer? Are they uploading them daily after live broadcast or do we get a couple to binge on? I can’t remember from past years.
Omg had no idea this was tonight, 8pm. What a wonderful way to start the new year!
What’s the broadcast schedule for iplayer? Are they uploading them daily after live broadcast or do we get a couple to binge on? I can’t remember from past years.

We'll have separate threads for each episode as it airs live on BBC 1, and tonight we'll have an additional thread for Episode 2 for those watching on iPlayer, that will be merged with the BBC 1 watch thread tomorrow after it has aired. Should any other episodes go on iPlayer early, we shall do the same with them.

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