Tori Amos - "The Beekeeper" (1 Viewer)

Tori Amos - "The Beekeeper". Welcome to the garden and elixirs and herbs and Peggy Ann.

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Anyway, it is considered by most to mark the start of the downward spiral that only really started to shift back up with Native Invader, but I still have a soft spot for this album (convoluted concept notwithstanding.)

Yes, it is overproduced (as would become the norm for her) and it marks the debut of a slightly over-earnest manner of singing that the fanzzzz tend to describe as 'baby Tori' but listening to it from start to finish now and I have to say, it's a bit overlong but cut out a few songs and you'd end up easily with a 4/5 album.

I also have a strong emotional attachment to it because it marks the first (and only) time I met Tori at a meet and greet before her Paris gig. She signed my tour programme and she was just genuinely lovely.
the beginning of the end. though there were some pretty good moments on it, she never recovered for me. the edge, the quality control, the editing, it was all gone. it really says something that the cover art is not even her worst by a long shot anymore.

anyway, i only really semi-like sweet the sting, original sinsuality, toast and the way she sings the last "risen" in general joy.
I always feel like this might be her worst album of original material. It’s just so mannered. However it arrived in the post when I was in bed with a horrible flu and is tied up with the memory that so it was never going to make good first impressions.
I never made it through the whole album and could never get into her later material after this one.

However, I’ve overplayed Sweet the Sting and The Power or Orange Knickers(!) to death and still enjoy them.
Such an underrated album. Full of so many utterly gorgeous melodies. Yeah, I get that it isn’t “angry Tori” and the production is very safe, but it’s sooo beautiful and is stuffed with wonderful songs.
  1. Parasol 10
  2. Sweet the Sting 08
  3. The Power of Orange Knickers - Tori Amos feat. Damien Rice 09
  4. Jamaica Inn 06
  5. Barons of Suburbia 08
  6. Sleeps With Butterflies 07
  7. General Joy 09
  8. Mother Revolution 09
  9. Ribbons Undone 07
  10. Cars and Guitars 08
  11. Witness 06
  12. Original Sinsuality 10
  13. Ireland 04
  14. The Beekeeper 11
  15. Martha's Foolish Ginger 08
  16. Hoochie Woman 05
  17. Goodbye Pisces 07
  18. Marys of the Sea 07
  19. Toast 08
Sleeps with butterflies is actually one of my guilty Tori pleasures, its the last album she released that I liked.
I got into (became obsessed with) Tori just before this album was released so it was a major event for me. I genuinely love it though, it still has such a comforting vibe for me.
Sleeps with butterflies is actually one of my guilty Tori pleasures, its the last album she released that I liked.

Have you given Native Invader a go? It's a bit of a gem. Obviously it's no Choirgirl but my favourite for a decade
I got into (became obsessed with) Tori just before this album was released so it was a major event for me. I genuinely love it though, it still has such a comforting vibe for me.

Oh exactly the same for me! I bought Tales of a Librarian at the end of 2004 which was really the first I'd properly heard of her, so Beekeeper was my first studio album and I loved it. I got it for my 18th birthday (I made everyone I invited to my party buy me a different Tori album :D)
I kind of just lost interest in her as the albums got progressively longer

But I like will give Native Invader a go, just for you
Unrepentant Geraldines does have some good songs, but I find it a lot more patchy than Native Invader - to me it's a stepping stone to NI as the quality control got better and the songs more mature. It passes me by a bit though
I’ve not got time to listen to both

make up your minds, queens
Listening now. I had a slight intermission and have just went back to play Breakaway again, as I liked it so much.
Just looking back at Diddy Does Tori, god knows why anyone read it, I’m not much of a writer :D

I liked the title track and Sleeps with Butterflies, at least
I actually really like this album.. Sleeps With Butterflies, The Beekeeper and Martha's Foolish Ginger are my 3 standouts.
Just looking back at Diddy Does Tori, god knows why anyone read it, I’m not much of a writer :D

I liked the title track and Sleeps with Butterflies, at least

Aaw I really enjoyed it @Diddy ! It's so much fun to see someone discovering music that I know really well. I need to look back at some of your Tori ones!
Reindeer King in particular is GORGEOUS

Crystal core
You are at the still point of the turning world
The divide
Fearing death; desiring life

Reindeer King, Oysters and Forest Of Glass are up there with TOP TIER TORI for me from her recent stuff.
I'm GAGGED Forest Of Glass isn't actually on an album, what a bizarre decision.
Reindeer King, Oysters and Forest Of Glass are up there with TOP TIER TORI for me from her recent stuff.
I'm GAGGED Forest Of Glass isn't actually on an album, what a bizarre decision.

Oysters is wonderful.

Forest of Glass I've never been able to get into, but I know all the other fans love it!
The Beekeeper has actually got better as I've gotten older and MELLOWED somewhat, but it's still a bit music to have a bath to - and I use Lana for that purpose EXCLUSIVELY.

I always forget about TOAST as I rarely (ever) get through the album as a whole. It's actually really lovely. I always have to remind myself it's not a song about DEHYDRATED BREAD.

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