Tuesday is thinking about the immortality of the crab

Working Marine Life GIF by pikaole
tags: moopy has crabs, big ron gave moopy crabs, big ron itchy pubes etc etc etc
I'm feeling FINE now, I'm sure I've said this already but I've felt worse after a big weekend.

Told my parents on Saturday and my Mum's only just rang me. Proof they know I'm invincible.
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Iā€™m still mega bunged up but feeling okay now. I was on leave anyway this week but Iā€™ve logged in anyway to clear my backlog a bit before Monday, and to shut the big boss up because heā€™s being an arsehole to everyone and I want to rub the fact that I worked during leave in his face the next time he has a go.
Moopy is my horological reference point. When Iā€™m not in the daily thread, Iā€™m adrift in space and time
Wanking must be a tricky business if you're a crab. It's all a bit sharp, innit?
I suppose lady crabs can just frot themselves on some seaweedy rocks. Tough for the lads though, yes.
Massive cocks have crabs
My DMs are open x

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