What are you gaming? 2020 (1 Viewer)


Dec 31, 2007
have at it, lads

I'm stuck in 2002 and playing Morrowind (which has just seen yet another huge addition by modders), I will never tire of that game

I'm waiting for a price drop on The Outer Worlds which is next on my to-do. it looks great
I’m stuck with Heroes of the Storm, I stopped for a bit but now I’m back.

Playing some MK11 as well. Tried the Resi 2 remake but it’s hard? I don’t enjoy getting scared anymore.

Have God of War ready to play which I might start later tonight.
Have been mixing up my usual Splatoon 2/Tetris 99 with Hollow Knight and Little Nightmares on Switch. I played the final stages of LN on PS4 for a friend last year, but I'm a ridiculous scardy cat on my own. I also finally properly completed Alex Kidd in Miracle World - that final puzzle was simply ridiculous, and by now I'm convinced they simply never wanted anyone to complete this actually very short game.
Got Pokemon something for the switch but haven’t really sat down with it

Guess I’m not really playing anything at the moment

still gagging for animal crossing in March though
Tried the Resi 2 remake but it’s hard? I don’t enjoy getting scared anymore.

Have God of War ready to play which I might start later tonight.

I found RE2 to be fairly balanced, although it didn't help playing with a friend who'd spend all your bullets on one zombie. it was scary in places, the heavy thumps of that beefy zombie following you around, UGH

God of War was a HOOT!
Mrs COB got me the Kingdom Hearts 'story so far' collection for Christmas, so we've been playing through that together. Finished the first game the other night, started playing Chain of Memories but hated it and moved straight onto KH2 after watching a summary video. I knew that I'd eventually have to play these ludicrous games, and KH1 was a bit of a slog at times but thankfully the sequel seems to have made a lot of little improvements (though I'm only a few hours in so I'm sure it'll through some bullshit at me soon :eyes:)
Ron Jr got a switch so we've been hammering Mario Kart 8, and of course minecraft, which I find quite nice to play on the Switch for some reason.

Need more games for it though, any recommendations?
Besides some of the obvious ones (Odyssey is Mario's blockbuster moment, Smash, Splatoon 2 and Tetris would be my recommendations for young'uns.), if they're old enough Mario+Rabbids is regularly on sale at around £15 and is delightful. I really enjoyed the multiplayer.

Retro racer Horizon Chase Turbo is another that is often deeply discounted and that's super fun and easy to pick up. If more advanced, FAST Racing Neo looks gorgeous and also often on sale.

Also, download the demos and see what they gravitate to and like best.

Back to me though. Hollow Knight is a little hard for me. I guess you really need to buy these maps and bookmark things. I really wish I wouldn't die and lose all my coin though - I defeated some obese monster only for it to pull a Game of Thrones esque "all rise" moment and the half a dozen jumping crones finished me off.

I'm also playing Bard's Gold, just because it looks like something I would have played on PC in the 90s.
Basically spending every spare second of my life on Tropico 6. I can’t think of a game series I have a deeper and more abiding love for than Tropico.
I also got Samurai Shodown for Christmas, which is great fun but taking a backseat to building a socialist utopia in the Caribbean.
Ever on the ball, I've just acquired spiderman on PS4, so I'll be webslinging for a bit.
Hmm, maybe now I'm intending to have a sober weekend I can actually get some gaming done instead of walking all day to offset the calorie consumption, collapsing on the bed for a few hours due to walking all day, waiting to start drinking then not wanting to play much due to the loss of concentration (and later memory of what I experienced in-game) from boozing :D

Priorities are to try and whiz through Final Fantasy V and VI before the remake of VII comes out. No reason (they're not connected) other than I wanted to live the original journey from NES to SNES to PSX etc - originally wanted to go through all the originals to present and then do all the remakes and remasters timed so that I'd be finishing the remaster of VI just in time for the VII remake but this is now the nearest achievable alternative.

Also want to get through Witcher 2 and 3 but this is less of a concern now that I know the Netflix series isn't connected in any meaningful way to the video games.
Basically spending every spare second of my life on Tropico 6. I can’t think of a game series I have a deeper and more abiding love for than Tropico.

I don't feel the series has evolved as much as you'd expect of a game on its sixth go, sadly. but it is fun while it lasts
Pokemon Sword is actually pretty solid. I’m closing in on the first gym, it all looks the part, and I love my crow that’s going to cut a bitch. He can be my favourite until my water lizard gets out of its emo phase.
Back to me though. Hollow Knight is a little hard for me. I guess you really need to buy these maps and bookmark things. I really wish I wouldn't die and lose all my coin though - I defeated some obese monster only for it to pull a Game of Thrones esque "all rise" moment and the half a dozen jumping crones finished me off.
It's a VERY hard game in places, but (and I can't believe I'm saying this because I roll my eyes when people say it about Dark Souls etc) there really is a wonderful sense of satisfaction when you finally beat a boss after dozens of attempts. I also really appreciated how open the world was, because generally when I hit a frustrating area or boss there was the option to explore somewhere else and potentially find a new charm or upgrade.
I rarely feel like I'm Good At Games, but beating these three queens gave me a bit of that glow for a while (until the next boss probably):

Ridiculously, there are people who mod the PC version to be even HARDER :argh:
The wee guy or girl is so cute though. I sense with out of reach platforms that I perhaps don't have the full move set yet. It will be one for short bursts for me only I think.
I really like the look of Hades and it seems like a fun dungeon kinda game. Not sure when it’s actually coming out.
As I have mentioned elsewhere, I'm playing Pokemon Shield and it's annoying me. I'm aware that Pokemon has always done this but the constant railroading and restrictions on exploration are much more objectionable on a big screen. It feels like a kids game which wants to spoon feed you everything so you won't get confused.
I really like the look of Hades and it seems like a fun dungeon kinda game. Not sure when it’s actually coming out.

oh I get why now :horny:

As I have mentioned elsewhere, I'm playing Pokemon Shield and it's annoying me. I'm aware that Pokemon has always done this but the constant railroading and restrictions on exploration are much more objectionable on a big screen. It feels like a kids game which wants to spoon feed you everything so you won't get confused.

They're not likely to change that. It's always been marketed at younger players, so the linearity is probably staying. I find it nice tbh. Now that open world is standard amongst RPGs, linear games can be refreshing
Besides some of the obvious ones (Odyssey is Mario's blockbuster moment, Smash, Splatoon 2 and Tetris would be my recommendations for young'uns.), if they're old enough Mario+Rabbids is regularly on sale at around £15 and is delightful. I really enjoyed the multiplayer.

Retro racer Horizon Chase Turbo is another that is often deeply discounted and that's super fun and easy to pick up. If more advanced, FAST Racing Neo looks gorgeous and also often on sale.

Also, download the demos and see what they gravitate to and like best.

Back to me though. Hollow Knight is a little hard for me. I guess you really need to buy these maps and bookmark things. I really wish I wouldn't die and lose all my coin though - I defeated some obese monster only for it to pull a Game of Thrones esque "all rise" moment and the half a dozen jumping crones finished me off.

I'm also playing Bard's Gold, just because it looks like something I would have played on PC in the 90s.

Splatoon looks good - he's begging to play fortnite but I can't bring myself to allow it.
I think I'll be finished Mario+Rabbids soon, although since there are many blocks I haven't earned the ability to press A next to I'm guessing it will require a lap 2. Lap 1 will be quite enough to say I've finished it I hope.
Omg I started Tetris99 on Switch online. Nice idea, fun for Eastern Europe banger soundtrack, almost entirely random how well you do
I'm playing Wargroove which so far feels and plays like a second-rate copy of Advance Wars. I mean I love Advance Wars but there isn't an inch of ORIGINALITY to this, fun as it is.
Omg I started Tetris99 on Switch online. Nice idea, fun for Eastern Europe banger soundtrack, almost entirely random how well you do

I've won 15 times! It really does feel unfair for a while.

I like the Splatoon theme, but some of them are really hard to see what's going on (especially Luigi's Mandion when being attacked, and the music is also disappointing on this one despite how good it looks). The game has probably overtaken MK8D as my 2nd most played Switch game, probably due to the daily challenges.
It’s sooooo easy to accidentally drop the block thanks to the tiny buttons, really hateful. I ragequit tonight.

my best is still in the 20s :/ my friend made it to #5 but he’s Japanese so it’s in his dna

Don't mind, long as they get it right

Anyone going for First Class edition? I can't justify that kind of money even though it's my favourite game of all time

It's quite a lot of money for not much stuff. I opted for the Cyberpunk 2077 Deluxe Edition instead. Both of them are coming out within DAYS of each other now :disco:
It’s sooooo easy to accidentally drop the block thanks to the tiny buttons, really hateful. I ragequit tonight.

my best is still in the 20s :/ my friend made it to #5 but he’s Japanese so it’s in his dna

The developers adjusted the sensitivity pretty much accounting for the off d-pad let alone the buttons on the JoyCons.

I got to a camp as tits boss in Rabbids and thought parts of it were hilarious. It's not spoiling it to say that "kiss me, honey kiss meeeh" came to mind during it. Moments of this game have been a brilliant shake-up, but lots of simple improvements could be made on a sequel.
It's quite a lot of money for not much stuff. I opted for the Cyberpunk 2077 Deluxe Edition instead. Both of them are coming out within DAYS of each other now :disco:

Unfortunately, Cyberpunk has been pushed back until September.
Well Diddy, I'll try again for you. Basically the d-pad has issues, which I hadn't experienced until Tetris99 when I'd be slamming blocks when I hadn't felt I'd pressed it, etc, but they changer the sensitivity, which I assume was to deal with this issue.
I can’t quite get used to using the d-pad and buttons asymmetrically either, I might see if I can fiddle with it

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