What are you gaming? 2020 (1 Viewer)

I’ve restarted God Of War again after playing it last year and then giving up when I got to the island. I really love the fighting action but I just can’t seem to stick the actual mechanics of it. It’s mapped so weird on the buttons I keep going for Square to do a melee attack which of course just fires a few arrows instead then I get in a right confused state. I think my muscle memory is adjusting though as I seem to be enjoying it more than last time I played.

What’s with the fucking text size though. That fucks me off. Installed the patch which apparently improves it slightly but it’s still hardly the case I can relax back in my sofa to read how I’m supposed to defeat the bloody enemies.

I don't recall having a challenge with the controls in God of War, it actually very fluent to me, but I am playing a game at the minute where jump is ▵! WTF!

(said game is The Forest. let me know, anyone, if you wanna fight off cannibals and build treehouses with me)
Here's my list of games I've completed in 2020 (I'm not including replays or games that I always come back to like Street Fighter or Space Harrier etc)

08 Mark of the Ninja Remastered
09 Everblue
08 Disaster Report
07 Wargroove
09 Titan Wars
09 A Short Hike
10 The Last Guardian
08 Castlevania Chronicles
07 Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair
07 Ring Fit Adventure (I finished this eventually :D)
10 Dynamite Headdy
07 Volgarr
06 Root Letter
08 Yoku's Island Express
10 Horace
09 Nex Machina
07 Ape Escape
08 Shinobi III
08 Onimusha Warlords
07 Thumper
07 Pokémon HeartGold
08 Psyvariar
06 Aces of the Luftwaffe
08 Wild Guns Reloaded
07 DariusBurst Chronicle Saviours
08 Mario + Rabbids
09 Kathy Rain
10 Shining Force III (all 3 Scenarios :disco: )
08 Ninja Gaiden (NES)
10 Resident Evil VII
08 Maximo
07 Wario World
08 Dragon Quest III
07 Salamander
07 Armored Core
08 Skygunner
08 Ninja Cop
09 Streets of Rage 4
07 Mega Man & Bass
08 Fire Emblem: Binding Blade

Story games I’ve played this year:

Resident Evil 2 - 06 - this was not for me, I tried twice but I just couldn’t get into it.

God of War - 10 - a perfect game, good balance between open world and story and lots of fun memorable battles (loved fighting the valkyries).

Persona 5 - 08 - very fun but the story was hyped and I found it extremely basic

Marvel’s Spider-Man - 07 - it’s fine but it lacked the depth of the Batman games (they’re very similar). The side quests felt very filler-y

Divinity Original Sin 2 - 09 - Great fun, the ability and inventory management on PS4 is a bit tiresome but that’s to be expected

Nioh - 09 - a delightful surprise, I got it for free on PSN and it turned out to be a ton of fun. Each weapon was so much fun to try. Story was garbage though, it made no sense.

Hollow Knight - 08 - only started this recently, I’m just running around trying to make myself stronger cause all the bosses kick my ass.

Ongoing Games:

Mortal Kombat 11 - 09 - best MK game in a while, I love logging in and playing some towers

Smite - 09 - I’m not that good but I enjoy playing a few matches every other day

Fall Guys - 07 - it’s alright

Overwatch - 08 - I hadn’t played in over a year after losing all my skins because I had to get a new PS account. Gotten back into it in the last few weeks, still solid.

Special mention to Heroes of the Storm which my laptop can no longer run but I still enjoy watching it on twitch.
I know this is probably a GHASTLY block-worthy thing to say, but I stupidly got into Fortnite a few weeks back...and I can't stop :shy:

It's surprisingly complex and requires an INSANE ability to remember button combos and building strategies, and because it's a quick pick up and play job, I can't let it go and keep wanting to get better, which is horrifically slow.

But it's stopping me playing proper games so I'm annoyed :evil:
God of War update - actually following the story rather than just going around the islands and get pumped by all manner of enemies has made this game infinitely better. I have health and runes and strength. I find some of the bosses tough and die multiple times which makes me think I’m a bit shit bit isn’t that the point in games like this? The last boss battles I’ve played will have been 3 hits and you’re done in Mario Galaxy.
Bosses are the WHOLE POINT of true action games, the rest is warm-up. See any Treasure or Platinum game ever.
God of War update - actually following the story rather than just going around the islands and get pumped by all manner of enemies has made this game infinitely better. I have health and runes and strength. I find some of the bosses tough and die multiple times which makes me think I’m a bit shit bit isn’t that the point in games like this? The last boss battles I’ve played will have been 3 hits and you’re done in Mario Galaxy.

I must have fought the Valkyrie queen 50 times before I beat her. The story bosses are ok, it’s the side ones and rifts that were tough.
the Valkyries were so cool but I totally gave up after one go on each, I don't have the patience :D
Just had the most thrilling battle with a dragon on the mountain in God of War. Don’t think I’ve ever played anything like that in my life. Was completely blown away.

Any similar games to this that have completely passed me by?
I'm now playing The Outer Worlds on my GRAND TOUR of games that came out years ago.

I thought it was going to be a RIPPING SPACE OPERA in which I destroy capitalism, but I just had to choose between giving life-saving medicine to a crazy old man or a number of younger folks. Am I the bad guy?
Ooh I bought that after a friend recommended it to me after I said I was sick of games that had pandemics in them. Haven't opened it yet. :D

I'm still hoping to get past the boss on Vampyr that I'm stuck on. But it's so hard and it's making not even want to turn my PlayStation on :(
Just completed Spider Man: Miles Morales. Obviously hugely enjoyable but also pretty brief, it didn't feel like there was as much to do as in the first game.
I've got Planet Coaster and One Punch Man on the go now, and The Last of Us Part 2 to tuck into soon.
So my nearest and dearest convinced me to play Hollowknight.

He is now being subjected to very loud and sweary rants about bench placement. It's RUINING the game for me.
I'm secretly loving every second of it :eyes: I honestly didn't find the bench placement THAT much of a problem, the vast majority of bosses have a bench quite close by - the one you've been trying is one of the few exceptions I'd say, and the regular enemies on the way to the boss are particularly tough so it can become frustrating.

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