What are you gaming? 2021 (1 Viewer)

I'm not a LOOKS GAY but it needs QUITE A BIT OF WORK. I recently got into KoF XIII and why would you want to go 3D when your 2D artwork is so incredibly beautiful.
It's great! I'm not even a fan of hard games, I just loved the world and characters so much - I also don't think it's THAT hard, it has that thing of each death focusing you and encouraging you to try different builds with the spells or going off to find upgrades etc. There ARE one or two parts where they could've been fairer with where they put the benches, I will concede that much :tongueout:
I just couldn't get over how DISRESPECTFUL it was. It is a pet hate of mine when games just waste your time like that. The save point should be next to the boss fight. Super long bosses with multiple phases should have a checkpoint mid way through it. It's simple game design 101 that has been the case for decades. We don't put money in the slot to play games any more.

Having said that, I broadly finished the game and, SHOCKING game design failures aside, I really enjoyed it. I will probably play the sequel now as well.
I have casually sunk 50 hours into Hollow Knight over the last few weeks. Ready to fight the last boss but still at 87% completion. I know there’s a full mask I’m missing but can’t for the life of me figure out where 4 pieces would be hiding when I’ve uncovered the whole map.

It’s very pretty, some of the fights are super hard but mostly because I’m a spaz and dash at the wrong time. I didn’t even feel the time pass.
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I just wanna play a roaming game like Skyrim or RDR2 but I don't want to replay either

I was looking at Ghost of Tsushima but I still think it's too expensive for the digital version
I finished Metro Exodus the other week and was pleasantly surprised. big enough to feel like open world without actually being open world, which enhanced the focus and the story. I haven't played any of the earlier Metro games but that wasn't a hindrance at all
It is a pet hate of mine when games just waste your time like that. The save point should be next to the boss fight. Super long bosses with multiple phases should have a checkpoint mid way through it. It's simple game design 101 that has been the case for decades. We don't put money in the slot to play games any more.

Spoken like a true CRASH BANDICOOT fan :tongueout:
I’ve completed God of War and it really was quite wonderful in the end. I know it’s a huge game anyway but I wish there was even MORE of it. Also it would be nice if they’d kept up Arteus turning into a massive cunt because it was quite jarring (Last Of Us 2 style) to have someone so awful by your side for the duration but it just kind of withered out and explained away. I’m definitely going to do more exploring and attempt to kill at least one Valkeryie :( Isn’t there some kind of gauntlet thing to be had?
I just finished the White Palace in Hollow Knight, probably the hardest bit of platforming ever. And it’s so long. I’m very proud of myself.
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Hooray! I was so smug about beating it too, though I used the honey charm thing that lets you regenerate your health automatically :D :emoji_bee:
I'm currently playing Persona 1 on the PSP because I feel its OPPRESSIVE THEMES and TEENAGE ENNUI accurately reflect my LOCKDOWN MOOD. Surprisingly, it's quite an enjoyable game once you get past its DRYNESS, but then I like dungeon crawlers and the maps are actually a breeze compared to things like Strange Journey.
Hooray! I was so smug about beating it too, though I used the honey charm thing that lets you regenerate your health automatically :D :emoji_bee:

Oh yeah I did that as well, fuck doing it without it. It’s so punishing.
I kept reading all this stuff about Hollow Knight and thinking, what? It's not THAT hard is it, and I'm shit at games! And googling pictures I realized it looked completely unfamiliar which is plausible with me, but no...turns out I was thinking of SHOVEL Knight :manson: (which is also great!)
I’ve completed God of War and it really was quite wonderful in the end. I know it’s a huge game anyway but I wish there was even MORE of it. Also it would be nice if they’d kept up Arteus turning into a massive cunt because it was quite jarring (Last Of Us 2 style) to have someone so awful by your side for the duration but it just kind of withered out and explained away. I’m definitely going to do more exploring and attempt to kill at least one Valkeryie :( Isn’t there some kind of gauntlet thing to be had?

Think I'm gonna get this in a few days, I feel like moopy's sold it to me. It's not completely open world, is it? I don't mind that but I'm definitely in no mood for another WITCHER right now.
I kept reading all this stuff about Hollow Knight and thinking, what? It's not THAT hard is it, and I'm shit at games! And googling pictures I realized it looked completely unfamiliar which is plausible with me, but no...turns out I was thinking of SHOVEL Knight :manson: (which is also great!)

Think I'm gonna get this in a few days, I feel like moopy's sold it to me. It's not completely open world, is it? I don't mind that but I'm definitely in no mood for another WITCHER right now.

It’s definitely more contained than something like the Witcher or AC. More in line with what a Batman or Spider-Man open world game is.
Think I'm gonna get this in a few days, I feel like moopy's sold it to me. It's not completely open world, is it? I don't mind that but I'm definitely in no mood for another WITCHER right now.

Yeah as Phoenix said it’s open word (as in there’s a hub) but I thought it was quite clear where the “levels” were (lava world, snow world etc.) and the story and path to go on is very defined. Like an older Zelda game like Ocarina of Time.
A new Resi 8 trailer with a very tall vampire lady

Yeah as Phoenix said it’s open word (as in there’s a hub) but I thought it was quite clear where the “levels” were (lava world, snow world etc.) and the story and path to go on is very defined. Like an older Zelda game like Ocarina of Time.

That sounds ideal then! The older Zelda games were perfect for giving a sense of "open" but still limiting what you could do so there wasn't too much choice.

Honestly the thought of tackling another Witcher or Skyrim, where you can do almost everything across a HUGE map before you've even started the main plot, makes me feel rather :gross:
I gave up when this got too hard, but it's really good! Curious to see what you think.

I didn't find it too hard at all later on in the game! I felt there was a balanced progression so that tougher enemies also meant that you had better equipment/skills

I hope you didn't give up before you came to the big city?
I didn't find it too hard at all later on in the game! I felt there was a balanced progression so that tougher enemies also meant that you had better equipment/skills

I hope you didn't give up before you came to the big city?
Meridian? No just after! The mission I have to do involces killing the flying machines and i find them difficult! I'm not accurate enough.
I gave up when this got too hard, but it's really good! Curious to see what you think.

I got into God of War so much after thinking I wasn’t into games with skill trees anymore that I thought I’d give it a good go and I’ve heard so many positive things about it.
has/is anyone playing Greedfall? it's free this month on Playstation Plus. it looks like it could be a decent RPG
Shadow of the Tomb Raider as well. definitely giving that a go, Rise of the Tomb Raider was a great revival of the series
I’m 3/4 of the way through Maneater. It’s basic mindless fun!
I did SOtTR about 6 months ago.
That sounds ideal then! The older Zelda games were perfect for giving a sense of "open" but still limiting what you could do so there wasn't too much choice.

One of my top tips is that you’re going to come up against quite a tough boss battle very early on and really you just need to stick with it. I’ve never really played a game like that before where you’re thrown in at the deep end with something that felt so unbeatable so early on and honestly it nearly put me off but learn to dodge and attack and you’ll be fine :)

*waits for RoM to tell me it was a piece of piss*
One of my top tips is that you’re going to come up against quite a tough boss battle very early on and really you just need to stick with it. I’ve never really played a game like that before where you’re thrown in at the deep end with something that felt so unbeatable so early on and honestly it nearly put me off but learn to dodge and attack and you’ll be fine :)

*waits for RoM to tell me it was a piece of piss*

Oh that sounds quite exciting! I'm not too great at action games, although occasionally I'll play on Hard if it suits the game, like The Witcher 3

The tough boss early on reminds me of Dark Souls/Bloodborne (where the start level is usually "really fucking hard" up to a scale of "killing myself now"), but the difference with those is you could summon another player to help. Will see how I get on, plan to tackle Hollow Knight first.
Shadow of the Tomb Raider as well. definitely giving that a go, Rise of the Tomb Raider was a great revival of the series

Oh shit, another one to add to the list then. Really enjoyed the first revival but never got around to the sequel

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