What are you gaming? 2021 (1 Viewer)

The new character they’ve announced as DLC for Street Fighter has got me a bit excited. Not only is he my namesake but we’re also being led to believe he’s basically the arrival of Street Fighter 6 :disco:
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His design is a bit boring, but he looks fun to play :o I also like the theory that he's actually an early, pre-costume version of Captain Commando - and that SF6 will secretly be a bit of a Capcom all stars sort of thing :disco:
His design is a bit boring, but he looks fun to play :o I also like the theory that he's actually an early, pre-costume version of Captain Commando - and that SF6 will secretly be a bit of a Capcom all stars sort of thing :disco:
I’ve heard the Captain Commando rumour but not the all stars thing :o

Does this mean my dream of Marvel Vs Capcom Except It’s Just Capcom And Has Black Tiger And Shoma Off Rival Schools In might actually be coming true?
I hope so! And by theory I mainly just mean I've seen wishful thinking and wild conjecture online, and really isn't that the same thing? :disco:
There always tends to be a grain of truth to these things - half the time the companies will leak things themselves just to gauge online response.

I really feel like we should have a thread for our Capcom All Stars dream roster. I’m sure everyone would enjoy it and nobody would take the piss.
as it's only 5 euros on Steam at the moment I'm back in the Capital Wasteland (Fallout 3)

and I'm playing like such a saint this time :o must be my age...
Just got my platinum trophy for Hades. Best game ever but I’ve played it so much for a month and now I’m done.
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I've been playing the Castlevania Advance Collection, which is the three Castlevania games for Game Boy Advance (and also Dracula X for the SNES for some reason). I'm getting near the end of Circle of the Moon, which was the first GBA one - a very fun game with a weird tarot card system to get powerups and magic spells etc, and it's actually quite difficult compared to most of the other 'Metroidvania' style games in the series.
I’ve just shambled to the end of the DLC in Pokémon sword and shield. Because I want to catch them all, dammit.

I’m still angry that they scrapped the National dex in the game, basically saying that if you care enough about the premise of the game, you’ll pay a subscription to Pokémon home, but it doesn’t mean anything there anyway.

Traded the last tradable ones, but stuck looking for Marshadow and Zeroera which can’t be traded because reasons :)

This Diamond and Pearl remake came at the right time, it’s one of my favourites and I was ready to punch out of the franchise forever
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Just got my platinum trophy for Hades. Best game ever but I’ve played it so much for a month and now I’m done.
I’ve just bought this! I think it’s going to be too hard for me.

I’ve been ploughing through Assassin’s Creed Valhalla for forever now and have finally finished the story. ENOUGH ALREADY. I enjoyed it and playing a gay viking was fun but it felt like it never really peaked. And the bugs - so many bugs.
I’ve just bought this! I think it’s going to be too hard for me.

I’ve been ploughing through Assassin’s Creed Valhalla for forever now and have finally finished the story. ENOUGH ALREADY. I enjoyed it and playing a gay viking was fun but it felt like it never really peaked. And the bugs - so many bugs.

Just remember you’re meant to die, so don’t get discouraged. After a few runs you will understand the bosses better, find your favorite weapon and the story is very enjoyable.
I've been playing the Castlevania Advance Collection, which is the three Castlevania games for Game Boy Advance (and also Dracula X for the SNES for some reason). I'm getting near the end of Circle of the Moon, which was the first GBA one - a very fun game with a weird tarot card system to get powerups and magic spells etc, and it's actually quite difficult compared to most of the other 'Metroidvania' style games in the series.
What are the extras like? Artwork and music?
I’ve been ploughing through Assassin’s Creed Valhalla for forever now and have finally finished the story. ENOUGH ALREADY. I enjoyed it and playing a gay viking was fun but it felt like it never really peaked. And the bugs - so many bugs.
I'm a massive AC fan but have held back on this one so far (looked a bit drab and grey to me compared to the last two); would you recommend overall or is it best to give it a miss?
What are the extras like? Artwork and music?
Yep, a music player and scans of the original manuals, plus you can select which regional version of each game you want to play (JAP/NA/EU). The individual games have an encyclopedia option you can select while playing that has stuff like an enemy list including what items they can drop. There's also an optional thing in CotM that displays a pop up when you hit an enemy that potentially drops a card, which has actually been very useful (you can also cheat using the new rewind feature to do the last hit on an enemy over and over until you get the card from it, which is quite handy given the ridiculously low drop rates :eyes:).
Oh I forgot about the rewind feature, that's handy although in Metroidvanias not so much. I have only managed to finish Vampire's Kiss using SAVESTATES many moons ago so it's DEFINITELY encouraged for that one.
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I'm a massive AC fan but have held back on this one so far (looked a bit drab and grey to me compared to the last two); would you recommend overall or is it best to give it a miss?
If you've played Origins or Odyssey, it's more of the same really, but in a different set of clothes. The scenery does get a bit samey but there's only so much you can do with England I suppose. There's a few excursions to other geographical spots to mix things up a bit.

It does go on a bit and some of the mechanics are dubious (stealth is barely there or necessary), but I had fun with it.
This is why I have little time for Assassin's creed now. That used to be the whole point!
I've seen lots of people say the same. I never played the early ones, so don't really miss it. It also means the modern day sections mean absolutely nothing to me. This one supposedly wraps up the ongoing story but I didn't have a CLUE :D
If you've played Origins or Odyssey, it's more of the same really, but in a different set of clothes. The scenery does get a bit samey but there's only so much you can do with England I suppose.
It sounds silly but Odyssey was the main game I played last year, and not being able to travel myself made me appreciate the Greek island setting even more.
It sounds silly but Odyssey was the main game I played last year, and not being able to travel myself made me appreciate the Greek island setting even more.
Actually that does makes sense! I got a thrill when I arrived in Mykonos for the first time :D, though no sign of the gay beach for poor Alexios.
Actually that does makes sense! I got a thrill when I arrived in Mykonos for the first time :D, though no sign of the gay beach for poor Alexios.
Oh wow you played through the whole thing as Alexios?!
You missed out. Kassandra is possibly the best game protagonist I've ever played with.
Oh wow you played through the whole thing as Alexios?!

I read how good Kasssandra was played but didn't think it would make much difference. Alexios was pretty wooden but quite funny with it.

You can play either male or female in Valhalla and switch at any time. Or you can have the game choose for you.
My Castlevania GBA journey continues, I decided to skip Harmony of Dissonance (as I played it relatively recently) and go straight to Aria of Sorrow, which is probably one of my favourite Castlevania games of them all! Going straight from Circle of the Moon to this it's amazing how much the graphics improved in just a couple of years (CotM WAS a launch game though, to be fair). The Soul collection stuff is fantastic too, the sort of thing that you could build a 'proper' RPG around - it sort of reminds me of Final Fantasy VIII in the way you can absolutely abuse the system to break the game in interesting ways if you want, but it's also flexible enough to play it 'clean' if you prefer.
It also has some very fun batshit enemies to fight, like these skeleton waiters who throw bowls of curry at you:

And these rotters who pop out of mirrors to take a swipe at you:
Tetris Effect. So I've played through all modes and I guess the rest will be beating PBs. Some of it is really moving to experience and I never thought any of the high stacked praise it has got could possibly be accurate, but it really is.

Also played a tiny bit of Metroid Dread and have died trying to counter parry. Of course. I'm liking the atmosphere though. I have one more game from the vouchers to get, which I'm currently undecided for. Nintendo games do eventuality get 30% discounts, and I don't think Pokemon ones get any so might give in and finally play a mainline entry.
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