What are you gaming? 2021 (1 Viewer)

Ok here's my Year in gaming 2021!

Persona (PSP) 8
Sayonara Wild Hearts 7
Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom 10
Hammerin Harry (PSP) 7
Inside 9
Axelay 8
Starlink Battle for Atlas 6
Rime 8
Gunlord X 8
The friends of Ringo Ishikawa 7
Super Ghouls n Ghosts 8
l am Setsuna 7
Ghost n Goblins (Capcom Arcade) 6
Xexex 9
The Outer Wilds 6
Irritating Stick 8
Star Parodier 8
Enter the Gungeon 7
Forgotton Anne 7
Raiden V 6
Hagane 8
Abzu 6
The Banner Saga 7
Mega Man Battle & Chase 6
Nier Automata 9
It takes two 7
Super Smash Bros Ultimate 6 (didn't really finish it, trailed off...)
Moss 8
No More Heroes 7
Elevator Action Returns 8
Bloodstained Ritual of the Night 5 (DISAPPOINTMENT OF THE YEAR)
Bionic Commando (GB) 9
Panzer Dragoon Orta 8
Monster World IV 8
Kaze and the Wild Masks 6
Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne 9
Night Striker S 7
Thimbleweed Park 8
Etrian Odyssey 8
Mario Tennis 8
Soukyogurentai 9
Effie 5
Hollow Knight 9 (as close to a 10 as I can give without it being a 10... because it's not a 10)
Super Chariot 7
Cotton Reboot 6
Vandal Hearts 7
Panzer Bandit 8
Gleylancer 9
Pacman Championship Edition 7
Great Ace Attorney Chronicles 7
Kirby's Adventure (NES) 8
The Story of Thor 8
Sub Rebellion 8

What have YOU played??!!
  • Hollow Knight - 10 (perfect and frustrating)
  • Final Fantasy 7 Remake - 06 (eh, a disappointment. Felt very small)
  • Control - 09 (original story and gameplay)
  • Blasphemous - 08 (decent but not as challenging as Hollow Knight)
  • Hades - 10 (so much fun)
  • The Last of Us 2 - 08 (great story, ok game)
  • Tales of Arise - 06 (I think I’m over jrpg’s, I found it bland)
  • Nioh 2 - 08 (just started this before my vacation, more of the same but it’s quite an enjoyable same)
  • Slay the Spire - 10 (endless hours of fun, nothing comes close to the joy of beating another difficulty level)
  • League of Legends Wild Rift (08) - solid portable moba that fixes all the issues that I had that stopped me from playing the full game.
By Platform. Making this list has made me realise how many games I don't finish. Finished games are in bold.


Pokemon Snap - 08 - (Really fun, perfectly captures the magic of the N64 game. Must get back to it)
Bowser's Fury - 09 - (Short, but amazing)


FFXIV: Endwalker - 12 (Lost my life to it again. The story was amazing, and the dungeon and boss design is amazing so far)
Final Fantasy X - 10 (Replayed this again this year and loved it. PC with mods takes some of the frustrating stuff out as well so you can focus on the best bits)
Final Fantasy III + IV + V pixel remasters - 07, 08, 07 (Really well done, love the graphics style and good to revisit. Would have finished V too if Endwalker hadn't came out)
Rayman Redemption - 07 (Fan made remake/re-imagining of the original rayman that makes it a bit more up to date. I liked the idea, but the fan made content stuck out like a sore thumb and wasn't really any good)
Phasmophobia VR - 10 (So much fun in VR. You will absolutely shit yourself. Rough around the edges but I don't care)


Nier Replicant - 08 (Never played the original, but you can tell it is a game from another time. Still fun and the story is excellent, though having to replay it multiple times to get all the endings wore a little thin)
Hitman 3 - 07 (Competent sequel, and the core game is insanely fun. The level design didn't hook me as much as the first two though)
Oddworld: Soulstorm - 06 (I really wanted to love this game, but it was so half arsed.)
Hollow Knight - 07 (God this game was infuriating. I loved it when it was good, but the bad bits actively angered me, and the way it disrespects your time is unforgivable)
Devil May Cry V - 07 (Need to come back to this. I enjoyed most of what I played, but V's levels can fuck all the way off)
Dragon Ball Z Kakarot - 03 (Total waste of money)
Sekiro - 08 (Bought on sale the other day. First Soulsbourne game I have stuck with. Enjoying it enough, and I will probably aim to see at least one of the endings)


Halo Infinite - 06 (Multiplayer was tons of fun. I have played a bit of the story but it just seems like nonsense)
It Takes Two - 07 ( Me and @COB started this the other week. Seems a bit simple, but fun none the less)
Microsoft Flight Simulator - 07 (Nice enough way to waste some time)
Carto - 05 (Loved the idea, but it is just dull)
Myst - 03 (Too difficult, and what is the point of just following a guide the whole time, so i just gave up)
Boyfriend Dungeon - 07 (Ludicrous game, but I enjoyed the combat and the silliness of it all)
Hades - 08 (I did one playthrough to completion, and that was enough. I can see why people get sucked into this kind of thing but it wasn't quite there for me)
Darkest Dungeon - 04 (Controls AWFULLY on the xbox)
The Messenger - 08 - (Didn't expect to enjoy this but really loved it. Annoyingly fell off Game Pass before I could complete it though)
Fable - 09 (Yes, the first thing I did when I got a new xbox was play an original xbox game. This was every bit as fun as I remember it being when it first came out)
Fable II - 08 (Better gameplay, but seemed to lose some of the first games spark)
Fable III - 06 (The game itself is fine, but it is so far away from what I wanted a third Fable game to be)

There were also tons of games I played for less than half an hour that I've not bothered including.
  • Slay the Spire - 10 (endless hours of fun, nothing comes close to the joy of beating another difficulty level

I want to play this as I love card games but the whole ROGUELIKE thing puts me off a bit. How infuriating is it to start from the beginning every time? Is there any sort of progression? I don't mind roguelikes where at some point you achieve a milestone and it STAYS WITH YOU, even if it's tiny incrementals.
It Takes Two - 07 ( Me and @COB started this the other week. Seems a bit simple, but fun none the less)

I was disappointed overall, particularly after all the praise. The gameplay has some clever bits (there's a boss early on that if you told me was straight out of Super Mario Galaxy I would have BELIEVED it) but it kinda gets stuck in the same "you do this, I do that" pattern for waaaaay too long.

Also, the story and the writing is ATROCIOUS, EMBARRASSING and KINDA PROBLEMATIC. I preferred A Way Out as at least that doesn't hide what it is.
I want to play this as I love card games but the whole ROGUELIKE thing puts me off a bit. How infuriating is it to start from the beginning every time? Is there any sort of progression? I don't mind roguelikes where at some point you achieve a milestone and it STAYS WITH YOU, even if it's tiny incrementals.

Well in this you unlock more cards and relics with experience so you get more builds and some choices to make. And you have four characters so 4 decks to customize. It is truly the best of the genre (I may be biased since I’ve put in 300 hours into it but it’s great for the commute).
300 hours!

I think my record is 140 playing Pokémon Blue (at 3xspeed via Pokémon Stadium on the N64) and that broke the game for me SO MUCH I never played another mainline Pokémon game for 20 years.
Well yeah I play it a lot on the subway since it doesn’t require internet.
Not exactly a game but remember the ship that was stuck in Suez?

Oh it's pointless though, all it does at the end is "Congratulations you've simulated navigating roughly 4% of the Suez Canal!"
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My Cyberpunk 2077 character. I feel attacked.

Just started The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan and I'm hooked. it's a spooky Choose Your Own Adventure type with lots of different endings and twists in the story depending on what you select your characters to do and say. Apparently you can finish with all or none of your characters. I'm already 2/5 down though. :(

It's from 2019 and there are two more in the series so far. Will definitely look into them when I've exhausted this one.

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