What are you gaming? 2022 (1 Viewer)

I have started playing Chrono Cross: The Radical Dreamers Edition, and despite the game basically having the same slightly shonky technical performance as the PS1 original it's still so lovely to revisit one of my favourite games of all time :love: I actually didn't sleep properly last night as I kept thinking about the world and all the ludicrous characters, I love it all so much.
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I haven't recruited her yet, but I'll be going back to pick up this QUEEN as soon as I can:

I have also chosen to NOT save poor Kid after she gets poisoned, because there's no way I'm not getting Glenn on my first playthrough. I'd forgotten how the game basically forces you to be an absolute arsehole to Kid at almost every opportunity if you want particular other characters to join you, it's almost sadistic :D
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Kingdom Hearts 4 announced (around the 4:10 mark). Looks ugly as fuck.

I'm beyond excited for another kingdom hearts, though I assume that it will only look like that for one world, and will have more cartoons artstyles in other worlds
I'm beyond excited for another kingdom hearts, though I assume that it will only look like that for one world, and will have more cartoons artstyles in other worlds
I've seen people say that what they SHOULD do is when Donald and Goofy inevitably travel to that realistic-looking world, have them turn into just a normal looking duck and dog :disco:

Also it's definitely going to have Star Wars and Marvel worlds this time, surely? I know that Avatar is a relatively new Disney acquisition (and they probably wouldn't include a Fox property so soon) but I actually think that Pandora would make an amazing world for a Kingdom Hearts game.
Bugsnax has been announced for every platform, so nobody has an excuse now :tongueout:

I wonder how it will run on the Switch though... I played on PS5 but I remember reading that even the PS4 version had quite significant loading times between areas.
Bugsnax has been announced for every platform, so nobody has an excuse now :tongueout:

I wonder how it will run on the Switch though... I played on PS5 but I remember reading that even the PS4 version had quite significant loading times between areas.

I know you’ve celebrated the theme tune of this publicly, but I always end up thinking of the theme tune to 90s summer camp documentary Bug Juice instead :D
Bugsnax was one of the best free games I’ve ever played. Not sure I’d ever pay more than $20 for it though.
I have started playing Chrono Cross: The Radical Dreamers Edition, and despite the game basically having the same slightly shonky technical performance as the PS1 original it's still so lovely to revisit one of my favourite games of all time :love: I actually didn't sleep properly last night as I kept thinking about the world and all the ludicrous characters, I love it all so much.
I’m tempted, but I’ve never played Trigger. Does it matter?
Yeah, it's a funny one because although it's technically a sequel they really are very different as games. A lot of Trigger fans absolutely hate Cross because it isn't a straightforward Chrono Trigger 2, but it's something a lot more esoteric and weird than that which I've always felt was a strength. Storywise there are connections but playing Trigger isn't really necessary to understand what's going on and might actually make things MORE confusing in some ways :D I'd actually be really interested in hearing the thoughts of someone who plays Cross first, so I say go for it!
Chrono Trigger is better than Chrono Cross #nohate but I think they're both very different beasts (mainly because the Dream Team that worked on Trigger didn't return for Cross) and Cross is still a fantastic game. Unfortunately it's the sequel to what is perceived as one of the best RPGs of all time, so it's always going to be defined by that comparison unfortunately!
Chrono Trigger is better than Chrono Cross #nohate but I think they're both very different beasts (mainly because the Dream Team that worked on Trigger didn't return for Cross) and Cross is still a fantastic game. Unfortunately it's the sequel to what is perceived as one of the best RPGs of all time, so it's always going to be defined by that comparison unfortunately!
I’d not really heard of Chrono Cross really until recently. I thought it was Trigger that was regarded as the best RPG.

Anyway I’m enjoying it at the moment but Jesus Christ what’s going on with the frame rate in battles!? It’s almost unplayable.
I’m also getting anxiety about missing recruitable characters!
Story also doesn’t make a whole lot of sense either.
I do like it though :D
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OMG it happened :disco:

I can now evolve him into one of two final forms, Archangel or HOLY BEAST :shock:
Oh no, I forgot that
you lose all your characters after the BODY SWAP :( Poor old Pip won't be evolving into his third form for AGES yet.
Finished Chrono Cross with the good ending, not sure I'll bother going back into New Game+ to pick up the characters I missed (at least not for a while). I went straight into Radical Dreamers but I'm not really in the frame of mind for what is basically a TEXT ADVENTURE so will probably park that for a while too :tongueout:

I would quite like to start something I can play while travelling, I have two flights on Monday then another two a week later (those two also have a four-hour stop in Frankfurt airport between them :shock:). I looked in all the games shops in town today and my god there is so MUCH shovelware crap out for the Switch, I didn't see anything I fancied. Suggestions are welcome! Bearing in mind I just came off a pretty plot-heavy/slow RPG so something a bit more light and fun is probably the order of the day :eyes:
Have you tried Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom? It's incredible and very light and fun without sacrificing challenge and scope.
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You know, I actually bought that in a sale ages ago - I got stuck at some point and bounced off it. I might give it another try!
I'm ploughing through Guardians Of The Galaxy and the moment and it's fun in a very 7/10 kind of way. Glossy and slick but all a bit shallow. The endless bickering/bantering between the team is more irritating than engaging, but the story is OK and it looks a million dollars.

In any event, a vast improvement on the Avengers game.
I didn’t enjoy Guardians at all, the forced banter, the endless cut scenes and repetitive gameplay. I gave up eventually.
Ooh what a naughty boy I’ve been… the end of the “to play” pile gets ever further away.

I picked up Kirby (ATTN: @COB )
And the Mario 3D AllStars second hand - I had been put off because I thought the 3D would make me sick but I realised ¥4000 would’ve been enough for me to buy Galaxy alone (and that’s what I actually wanted to play)
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Ooh what a naughty boy I’ve been… the end of the “to play” pile gets ever further away.

I picked up Kirby (ATTN: @COB )
And the Mario 3D AllStars second hand - I had been put off because I thought the 3D would make me sick but I realised ¥4000 would’ve been enough for me to buy Galaxy alone (and that’s what I actually wanted to play)
Surely the gravity bending of Galaxy is the most likely thing to make you sick though!
I got Kirby for my birthday too :disco: I rarely buy full-priced Nintendo releases but it was a present so technically I didn't break my own rules :disco:
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Surely the gravity bending of Galaxy is the most likely thing to make you sick though!

I don’t know, I think it’s all down to how the camera moves, it’s a lot more controlled. If the camera is always spinning around, that’s the worst
Kirby is so fabulous, don't expect it to be challenging at all (until some of the postgame stuff) but it's just a lovely charming experience. Also I'll never get bored of the block/dodge making Kirby go into WITCH TIME :disco: And there are so many hidden moves and variations with all the different powers (some of which you have to discover for yourself by experimenting).
I didn’t enjoy Guardians at all, the forced banter, the endless cut scenes and repetitive gameplay. I gave up eventually.

It's definitely a test of patience at times. I'm at Chapter 10 now, so I'm going to plough on. The fighting has got better now the other guardians have got better powers and I'm not having to rely on Quill's feeble guns as much.
Kirby is so fabulous, don't expect it to be challenging at all (until some of the postgame stuff) but it's just a lovely charming experience. Also I'll never get bored of the block/dodge making Kirby go into WITCH TIME :disco: And there are so many hidden moves and variations with all the different powers (some of which you have to discover for yourself by experimenting).


My mate gave me his PS4 now the PS5 is out. I've got YEARS of games I missed out on to play now.

I've got the FF7 remake, the Crash Bandicoot remake, Assassin's Creed (the Greek one), and Skyrim to be getting on with.
In the present day now...

Just started The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan and I'm hooked. it's a spooky Choose Your Own Adventure type with lots of different endings and twists in the story depending on what you select your characters to do and say. Apparently you can finish with all or none of your characters. I'm already 2/5 down though. :(

It's from 2019 and there are two more in the series so far. Will definitely look into them when I've exhausted this one.
Have you played Until Dawn? It's an older game by the same team, very much along the same lines. I enjoyed it!
Started the Kingdom Hearts series as mentioned before, but it's on ice for the moment because aside from like, Zootopia and Mickey Mouse, I know about the square root of fuck all about Disney.

Aladdin seemed a commonly recommended starting point and I liked it, it was sweet.

Having a go at Sonic Adventure as it's pretty much the BF's favourite. I have a lot of Sonic to catch up on too, haha.
Started the Kingdom Hearts series as mentioned before, but it's on ice for the moment because aside from like, Zootopia and Mickey Mouse, I know about the square root of fuck all about Disney.

Aladdin seemed a commonly recommended starting point and I liked it, it was sweet.

Having a go at Sonic Adventure as it's pretty much the BF's favourite. I have a lot of Sonic to catch up on too, haha.

Sonic Adventure is like 80% BANGER and 20% Big the Cat fishing levels.

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