What podcasts have you abandoned/tried but didn't like? (1 Viewer)


May 2, 2004
Other than TGPL haha

I unsubscribed from Alright Mary (Drag Race commentary) the other day. I like them but I think they fell victim to the general DELUGE of Drag Race content that's going around nowadays

I also tried to listen to this ITV podcast about a woman who was accused of sabotaging her husband's parachute or something. I was intrigued by the story but the tone of it was so CHATTY CHATTY in a really forced way ("Don't worry, I'll come back to that later!") I guess influenced by people who do that kind of thing well like Sarah Koenig. But I couldn't bear it.

I do find that the slightest thing that irks you about a podcast/host can be enough to completely turn you against it. It's quite an intimate thing, listening to them/it for extended periods of time, which is why I really don't mind when I can tell people I know haven't been listening to mine. I'd rather not get the play than for them to feel like they had to endure it when they don't particularly enjoy it, for whatever reason.

Speaking of Sarah Koenig, Serial really fell off a CLIFF didn't it?
I listened to My Favourite Murder religiously, went to see them live, had a great time, immediately took a break from listening, then never returned. It was nothing about the actual show, more overall true crime burnout, then every time I thought about starting to listen again the sheer amount of stuff I had missed seemed really overwhelming

I gave up on Race Chaser because the main show in all its forms is more than enough these days and I don't care for recaps of current seasons anyway. One day I might go back and listen to more Race Chaser Classique
Casefile/They Walk Among Us - similar experience to @Marilyn in that it was a true crime overload, and these two tells the stories very ‘straight’ and this was leaving me quite anxious, leading to my most recent A Song For Moopy entry to flop and now Moopy Records are threatening to drop me.

I much prefer Red Handed and All Killa No Filla because it’s more like a chat, which is more comforting anyway but especially in a pandemic.
There are a lot that I pick up and get bored of then return to again when I have nothing else to listen to.

Race Chaser is fine but when they do the current seasons it really does feel like they're just running down the events of the episode with no actual opinions. Listening to Bob makes it so much more obvious. And yes, Alright Mary became a bit of a slog. @dUb (and other non Irish people), there's a nice Irish one called Sissy That Pod. One of the hosts is a bit grating sometimes, but they're good at reviewing the UK show and have some great guests. And United Queendom is a good one too - they both work/worked for tabloids and sometimes they go down a bit of 'That Time I Met Katie Price' hole, but it's very funny and borderline evil.

I used to listen to all the How Stuff Works podcasts, and still do. Stuff You Should Know is lovely, and usually every episode is fun, but they had a bunch of science-themed episodes in a row which put me off. Stuff You Missed In History Class is nice but I prefer the hosts the earlier episodes, as they had more relaxing voices. And Stuff They Don't Want You To Know has some interesting concepts and conspiracy theories are always fun, but the hosts are a bit too straight white male for me.
I only really listen to Music/Film related ones, but I recently abandoned 'This Had Oscar Buzz'. I think the hosts all write for Variety or Vanity Fair, but I got irritated when it became increasingly evident that they're a bunch of people who got lucky in their jobs but don't actually know a lot.
I’ve tried several times with Blank Check but I find the humor so annoying. The ads they do just annoy me so much.
I also dropped Savage Love, it was informative for a while and helped me with a better understanding of sex. But these days I just find him smug and unbearable.

I’ve more or less dropped Attitudes (formerly Throwing Shade). I think I’ve listened too long and also I went to a rather disastrous live show which turned me off.
I’ve more or less dropped Attitudes (formerly Throwing Shade). I think I’ve listened too long and also I went to a rather disastrous live show which turned me off.
Oh why did they change the name? I gave it a go but I can't really be doing with the more heightened gay shrieky/sassy ones. I generally just find it all a bit MUCH in my ears
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Something about appropriation.
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I like attitudes enough, but I often end up turning the episodes off halfway through

also, I can’t remember the details, but they were saying some inaccurate stuff about the Georgia election, which made me feel skeptical about learning about other topics from them
Oh yeah that’s another reason I stopped. They sometimes talk a lot of nonsense. It’s still in my feed but I usually delete the episode.
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My Dad Wrote A Porno once the gimmick and shock factor wore off and there was quite a cynical underbelly underneath.

Dear Joan & Jericha, I hate to say, is now just very Nighty Night series 2. So toilet humour based.

I have TRIED multiple times but I just can’t get into Las Culturistas.
Casefile/They Walk Among Us - similar experience to @Marilyn in that it was a true crime overload, and these two tells the stories very ‘straight’ and this was leaving me quite anxious, leading to my most recent A Song For Moopy entry to
I much prefer Red Handed and All Killa No Filla because it’s more like a chat, which is more comforting anyway but especially in a pandemic.

AKNF is just amazing. I adore them.
My Dad Wrote A Porno once the gimmick and shock factor wore off and there was quite a cynical underbelly underneath.

Dear Joan & Jericha, I hate to say, is now just very Nighty Night series 2. So toilet humour based.
Yup. With no malice, I've quietly given up on both.
Tell me more about the Dad Wrote A Porno thing?? I went off it pretty quickly to be honest, but what happened?
I still listen but the facade of it being this impromptu thing is gone. It feels very rehearsed these days.

Las Culturistas is not for me. I tried, it’s too shrieky.
Tell me more about the Dad Wrote A Porno thing?? I went off it pretty quickly to be honest, but what happened?

This is just my opinion but I genuinely thought it was for real at the beginning (when it was a badly written erotic novel) but then I just kinda thought that, nah, all these media types who front it are heavily involved. It’s a great back story but I really don’t buy that they have zero input.

Plus the very well rehearsed ‘spontaneous’ live shows etc.
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I forget the specifics with My Dad Wrote A Porno, but I remember feeling it had jumped the shark a bit at one point - I felt like they pulled it back though, and I enjoyed the last series a lot. Also it's clear at this point that the central conceit is a load of nonsense and the books are just written by the three hosts :tongueout:
This is just my opinion but I genuinely thought it was for real at the beginning (when it was a badly written erotic novel) but then I just kinda thought that, nah, all these media types who front it are heavily involved. It’s a great back story but I really don’t buy that they have zero input.

Plus the very well rehearsed ‘spontaneous’ live shows etc.
I'm surprised there has never been some sort of exposé-style article about it all, it would probably be pretty easy to work out which e-books were available at which times and poke holes in the established story :eyes:
My Dad Wrote A Porno & Joan and Jericha both were initially AMAZING and total must-listens, but after a while it's apparent the joke has worn thing. I'm not against them continuing, and J&J in particular has had it's moments - but they totally lost me with the hour long erotic fiction episode that made no sense whatsoever to me.

I had to duck out of Serial halfway through the first series when
it became increasingly obvious it wasn't about a serial killer AT ALL, and that the guy in question had clearly done the murder :D I just googled my thoughts and most of the internet seemed to agree, so I abandoned it
I mean, I think it is semi-real? The jumping the shark point seemed to line up with when they claimed Rocky was writing books after the podcast release, and there is 6 months between the ebook release and the first episode of the podcast, but it is all a bit confusing.
Desert Island Dicks - Started out as Room 101 on a podcast. Got irritated at otherwise nice people getting to the animal section finding out they have a deep hatred for cats. Bastards.
Dear Joan & Jericha, I hate to say, is now just very Nighty Night series 2. So toilet humour based.
Sadly I agree. There were a few points in the most recent episodes where I actually felt sick for a good few HOURS after, and as a member of Moopy I obviously have quite a high THRESHOLD for that sort of debauchery.
Re: Joan & Jericha. There was a bit when they did a bit about a baby suckling from the clit and dog fucking that I gave up.
Still greatly enjoy Joan & Jericha in all its depravity
Dear Joan & Jericha, I hate to say, is now just very Nighty Night series 2. So toilet humour based.

Yeah I remember listening to it at first and finding it amusing, but it quickly wore thin.

It's too dependent on shock/gross-out humour, and there isn't much light and shade to it.
I've not listened to Chapo much in the last six months or so. Bernie's loss in the primaries seemed to suck the air out of it and to be fair, my heart wouldn't really be in it anymore either after 5 years and 500+ episodes.

I did think that Blowback, a spin-off podcast from last year about the Iraq War by one of their former hosts, was fantastic though. (and I'll probably steal Amber's book as well)
I haven't listened to Blowback yet, I definitely should though - Brendan is always one of my favourites when he occasionally pops back up. I still enjoy Chapo a lot, but it does feel like they've been in a bit of a transformation/disengagement period for the past little while between Virgil (maybe?) having left to do Bad Faith, Amber moving to LA and the subtle shift towards stuff like more movie episodes etc. I'm curious to see what it will look like in another year's time.
Also - of all the arbitary things Felix gets obsessed with for a few months and doesn't shut up about, his current fixation on Dark Souls is the worst yet. Get back to gibbons and apes please!
I forget the specifics with My Dad Wrote A Porno, but I remember feeling it had jumped the shark a bit at one point
I remember what it was now! It was when they went full Bond parody with the James Spooner character and there were multiple chapters in a row without much sex or the Glee Team or anything else fun. The fact that character ended up getting killed off in relatively short order was actually one of the things that made me suspicious that they were adjusting the 'book' on the fly based on feedback they were getting, too...
I’m on the brink with the GamesMaster podcast Under Consoletation... they’re good with research and ironically most of the items are interesting apart from the actual episode recap.

but they’re pretty quick to criticise when their own arses are hanging out. Nitpicking grammar mistakes but constantly doing it themselves, complaining that the editing isn’t good when their usual 100 minutes for a 25 minute episode is FULL of bleary unnecessary stuff.

it’s a brave journey for two men who never heard a euphemism until a year ago. And they lay it on a bit thick with the wokeness considering all the shit they say about the kids. Do we really need to naughty step someone saying something sexist in 1993, at length?

I know you’re thinking “Why are you listening then?”, and I guess it’s because it really IS a great match for me in terms of subject matter. I just wish they’d tighten it WAY up
That length sounds ridiculous - I'm no podcaster, but maybe they should all decide that if they're recapping something, the episode can't be more than twice the length of the thing they're recapping. There can't be THAT much to say, surely? And pulling folk up for stuff they said in the Nineties seems crazy, what good is that going to do anyone?
I couldn't get into Joan & Jerica at all, the jokes and tone was just all so predictable and I didn't find it funny.
I listened to My Favourite Murder religiously, went to see them live, had a great time, immediately took a break from listening, then never returned. It was nothing about the actual show, more overall true crime burnout, then every time I thought about starting to listen again the sheer amount of stuff I had missed seemed really overwhelming

I gave up on Race Chaser because the main show in all its forms is more than enough these days and I don't care for recaps of current seasons anyway. One day I might go back and listen to more Race Chaser Classique
I enjoy My Favourite Murder when I'm listening to it but have absolutely no urge to put another episode on after. There's a point with a lot of podcasts where they become too knowing and it turns into a treadmill of catchphrases.
It's hard to say because there are very few podcasts that I absolutely hammer every episode of - I tend to be a bit more pick and choose in terms of episodes that interest me.

Sounds weird but I used to be a lot more into podcasts that felt like a "programme" than I am now (think This American Life, Radiolab, etc) but recently I have been listening pretty much exclusively to ones that feel like listening in to a really interesting conversation between 2/3 people. I think that's just the mood i'm in (and the crushing loneliness, I guess). So I guess I have given up on quite a few I used to listen to quite a lot but it's not really because the quality got worse.

There are only two that i'd say I properly used to hammer but i've gone off them. Like others, one is "My Dad Wrote A Porno", which honestly lost its charm when people on here threw it out there that the whole premise was probably a SHAM all along, and it got a bit too popular and the content became a bit of a parody of itself. And then the second is "How Did This Get Made?" I used to LOVE it but I think there was a period where June was absent quite a lot because of Grace and Frankie filming, and the near-permanent switch to live shows really accentuated all of the things I didn't like about the show (namely, Paul and Jason talking, or worse SHOUTING over June and others).

Oh, and Race Chaser. I got sick of the adverts and Willam's overly long stories after a while.
I still kind of enjoy MDWAP if I suspend all disbelief, I like James and Alice but find Jamie increasingly SMUG and SELF SATISFIED to the point of distraction.

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