Whatever happened to Ashanti? (1 Viewer)


Take it or leave it
Feb 3, 2004
The Cinema
I had a discussion with my friends last night, we all remember Foolish being everywhere, but not one of us could remember how it went at ALL apart from the piano sample. It was just so forgettable.

I liked Happy though. Plus that Only U song was quite good.

Murder inc. in general was like the UK Garage of 2002 or something. Huge, then vanished overnight...
She was all hype and NO TROUSERS

No voice, no really good tunes... That Murder Inc. period was a LOW in R&B/Hip-Hop and that is COMING FROM ME
Actually listening back to Happy, it's RATHER DULL.

I do like the flute sample though.

Ja Rule was utterly unbearable.
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Ja Rule was utterly unbearable.

Then tell me why does THIS make every single "best/most influential UK Number Ones of all time" poll of all time, right next to "Bohemian Rhapsody", "Hey Jude" and "Imagine"?

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It's weird how many of these utterly generic women come and go...

Milian was my favourite though I must say. Seemed to actually have a personality and was very pretty. Ashanti/Rihanna/Ciara/Amerie all blend into one for me...
I love the Muppets so much, but her very PRESENCE puts me off that one...
only you was FUCKING GREAT, that riff was something else
rain on me was also decent enough and while her other singles were disposable they were ok which was something of an accomplishment considering what a vapid non-entity she was

i remember seeing her at one of the vh1 divas concerts and i don't think i've watched another one since
In addition to singing, Ashanti has emerged as a songwriter, penning songs for pop and R&B performers Jennifer Lopez and Toni Braxton.
From wikipedia

She just released 'Pacs Life' a duet with T.I and Tu Pac about a month ago...
Ja Rule ON Ashanti?

NOT when I've just eaten THANK YOU
I actually love 'Rain On Me', although yes it is depressing as fuck I love the emotion...
Mesmerise was their best duet.


It was hate at FIRST SIGHT for me with Ashanti. Using the same sample as "One More Chance" reeked of awfulness. Rightly disappeared into obscurity (with any luck). Expect her to crop up on Celebrity Fit Club or some shit in a year.
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The only good thing she did was Only You...and I'm trying to remember Foolish but i really can't, she had no personality or presence even less than most of these forgettable R'n'B girls who come and go.
Am I wrong in thinking she is still QUITE popular or have the last few albums majorly bombed?
"Concrete Rose" scanned 800k in America, so hardly bad. Made #25 I think in the UK, so not exactly a disaster.

They just thought they'd follow up a brilliant, popular hit ("Only U") about 5 months later with one of her worst singles. Fucking stupid given "Don't Leave Me Alone" or "Turn It Up", released 3 months after "Only U", would've done decent work for her.

I'd say she'll be back? It's only been like 2 years since the last studio album and one year since her remix one.
Don't Let Them was it? i'm struggling to remember how that one went
i got smashed with some friends last night and had to urge to listen to only you last night - i'm not crazy about her voice, but that backing track is amazing
i love how the beat pulses and you can almost feel the guitar physically
good stuff

Because she's appearing in a production of The Wiz in New York and shockingly is actually a very good singer - skip to the end of this clip

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I like her poetry. :)

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/06cDDAd8MFQ&hl=en&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/06cDDAd8MFQ&hl=en&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
She's had a couple of US hits this year but they're generic rap crap (Want It Need It (with Plies) and To The Club).
I'm not a big fan of Ashanti generally but the Full Phat remix of "Rain On Me" is a huge favourite of mine. All the other stuff just doesn't cut it for me, specially lift music like "Rock With You" and that Grease-themed pap she did with Ja Rule.

Oh and was this for real ??

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/H8IGQBfBMiA&hl=en&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/H8IGQBfBMiA&hl=en&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
Ashanti/Rihanna/Ciara/Amerie all blend into one for me...

Two years on there's no WAY anyone could put Rhianna in that bracket I guess.

Unless you actually MEANT Rihanna spelt like that, the other singer?
Prior to Umbrella though that was precisely the bracket she was in.
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Two years on there's no WAY anyone could put Rhianna in that bracket I guess.

Unless you actually MEANT Rihanna spelt like that, the other singer?

No, but I've met Rhianna the failed UK soul singer. She was at a comedy night in Leeds once (alas, not as a performer). She does backing vocals for Roisin Murphy now. :(
"Good Good" is still a BOP! Possibly one of the most underrated of 2000s...

I put it on him right
I do it every night
I leave him sitting mouth open like

"Happy", "Foolish", etc. were insanely big for being a bit LIMP even if I have some nostalgia and enjoy them for what they are at this point.

"Rock with U" is probably her best song. But still, she made very little go very far, and ultimately, Ciara did what she did better.

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