Was it not the same last year? I’m sure it wasn’t until mid December a lot of you never had to put the heating on until.
Yes. And it is in these last couple of years am noticing people refer to the days following sumner as August 32, 33, 34 and so on. It's as if there's no autumn, mosquitos are still fully active, and i remember the bears last year didn't go to sleep until mid January.Was it not the same last year? I’m sure it wasn’t until mid December a lot of you never had to put the heating on until.
Yes central heating is bad for your sinuses. But it's good for damp. All about finding a balance. My recommendation is to blast it for 20 minutes in the morning and when you first get home to keep the chill out, but invest in thermal PJs or a snoodie to keep you warm of an evening.
We still don't have central heating, year 5 now without I think. But our two little oil filled radiators are amazing, and I bought a long hot water bottle to take to bed so currently I don't need the electric blanket!
I think so yes, it's apparently 10 degrees here at the moment, not sure what it is in the rest of the UK.I don’t know if this is a daft question but here goes. Is the Isle of Wight generally warmer than the rest of the UK?
I think so yes, it's apparently 10 degrees here at the moment, not sure what it is in the rest of the UK.
We also tend to get it a degree or so cooler in the really hot weather because of the sea breeze.
Just noticed that - same here.3 here Thursday night so probably then