Who remembers the bit in the movie where someone masturbates on her bed tho? A bit weird init
Because then she sings this with her sister who turns out to be the murderess!
What a film
What a soundtrack
What an era
What a song
This woman is perhaps the only thing that could maybe convince me some sort of higher power exists, but sweet jesus she wasted her gift on a lot of dreck. Even baby old spice - whose parents scorned all music beyond Whitney and MJ - knew enough to skip this on The Bodyguard soundtrack (which was one of only two CDs in the house during childhood!). I haven't seen the film for well over two decades but I think I'm right in recalling that there's a superior, acapella version which plays at some point? I respect her relationship with her Lord, but she didn't need so much shlock backing her up when singing these kinds of songs.
I also think the problem with 'Jesus Loves Me' is that it's just a bit lame. Enjoyed hearing the live performance linked in the OP, but it doesn't take off until halfway through when she abandons the tune and starts riffing and vibing in classic Whitney style. It's nice that the song exposed milquetoast gospel to the milquetoast masses which I guess was the intention, but they could've replaced it with THIS which I believe is from the same era:
The Voice delivering an ACTUAL ministry from up above.