Why would anyone want to stalk Enya? (1 Viewer)


Take it or leave it
Feb 3, 2004
The Cinema

Enya has been involved in a dramatic stalker siege at her Dublin castle, which saw a maid tied-up and her assailant escaping and remaining on the loose.

The chanteuse, who is the biggest selling solo artist in Irish music, has been the subject of relentless attention from a string of seemingly deranged men during her career.

However, the latest incident saw the singer involved in a serious breach of security at her home, which is reportedly a six-bedroom Dublin castle.

According to reports, Enya fled the stalker when he broke into the property and locked herself in a safe-room, presumably installed to ease the fears of the famously private singer.

The man in understood to have got into the castle, tied-up the maid and then scoured the house in search of the star, during a two-hour hunt.

However, he was unable to locate Enya, and escaped with a number of stolen items after she called the police using a panic alarm. The man is yet to be captured, reports XFM.

Last month, just a matter of weeks before this latest incident, a man is said to have gained entry to Enya's home, before being arrested.

Previously, an Italian fan, who apparently wore a framed picture of the singer around his neck, stabbed himself outside a pub owned by Enya's parents.

Enya releases her new studio album, "Amaratine", on November 22.
I was just imagining her running around and doing diving rolls in full Jodie Foster mode actually!
I wouldn't be surprised if this topic inspires VOR to go on a mad Enya shopping spree tomorrow
Frozen said:
I wouldn't be surprised if this topic inspires VOR to go on a mad Enya shopping spree tomorrow

I have in the past hovered over her section in music stores... thankfully her albums always seem to be about £20.
If I was going to stalk someone, I'd pick someone shit, like Cheryl Baker (for example :D ). It just makes it easier. Plus she'd actually probably be grateful, and I could end up having a relationship with her just like Agnetha and that funny little ginger Dutchman.

I think I've just talked myself into something.
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Did it take the police two hours to get there or Enya two hours to realise that she should probably call the police?
Just how many artists plan on releasing abums this FUCKING year??

*goes bankrupt*
Pipo said:
Just how many artists plan on releasing abums this FUCKING year??

*goes bankrupt*

I was just looking at HMV's pre release album schedule, there are LOADS I want!
I've decided I'm not going to buy any album or DVD before Christmas apart from Madonna. It's just too bloody expensive what Christmas and other commitments coming up.

They will all have to go on my Christmas present list :D
Then I will make sure I give that address to friends and family and get twice as many :D
The one and only time I ordered from BangCd I was waiting nearly a month before the DVD arrived. Never again!
That is a bit of a worry. Do they have an online order tracker?
Really :o I've ordered from them twice and I only waited a couple of days for both!
lolly said:
I've decided I'm not going to buy any album or DVD before Christmas apart from Madonna. It's just too bloody expensive what Christmas and other commitments coming up.

They will all have to go on my Christmas present list :D

Not even KATE?
oh and Kate, obviously :D

This isn't going to work, is it?
Are you one of the Desperate Housewives appreciators? That's out next monday too.
this just reminds me of the thing i saw on the torrent provider thepiratebay yesterday...

> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Dear Fredrik Neij,
> it has come to our attention that a number of our works and trade marks now
> appear on your own website.
> http://thepiratebay.org/torrents-details.php?id=3215747
> <http://thepiratebay.org/torrents-details.php?id=3215747&hit=1> &hit=1
> Enya A Box Of Dreams - 886 transfers
> http://thepiratebay.org/torrents-details.php?id=3252776
> <http://thepiratebay.org/torrents-details.php?id=3252776&hit=1> &hit=1
> Enya - The Celts - 291 transfers
> http://thepiratebay.org/torrents-details.php?id=3252777
> <http://thepiratebay.org/torrents-details.php?id=3252777&hit=1> &hit=1
> Enya - Watermark - 316 transfers
> http://thepiratebay.org/torrents-details.php?id=3230233
> <http://thepiratebay.org/torrents-details.php?id=3230233&hit=1> &hit=1
> Enya - The Celts - 386 transfers
> As these albums are under Copyright and no EU or Swedish law allows
> unauthorized distribution of this ripped music, you are in violation of our
> Copyright.
> You are additionally in violation of Swedish and EU law as you are violating
> our Trade Mark by listing Trade Mark protected names (protected under
> Swedish law) on your web page without permission.
> You have 72 hours to completely remove the above links.
> After this you will receive 1 (ONE) legal note from GrayZone. You will
> receive no further notices.
> Also please note that making this email public or ridiculing it will result
> in immediate legal action and we are also contacting RipeNCC for suspension.
> Regards
> Peter Pehrson
> aigle music / warner music international

Dear whatever-you-are,
thank you for providing us and our users with such great entertainment.
I'm not talking about Enya (hey, Enya fucking sucks), but instead of your
nonsensical email.

You have
- confused us with our ISP
- no knowledge whatsoever about BitTorrent
- no knowledge whatsoever of the appliciable laws (trademark or copyright)
- made very entertaining threats (hey, go ahead and contact RIPE NCC,
please, I beg you)

You have scored 10 out of 10 points on our Legal Threats Entertainment
scale. You win the grand prize: A lifetime of ridicule on our legal
threats section (http://static.thepiratebay.org/legal/) !

Please also note that I'm not currently out of toilet paper, so you may
wait a while before sending legal papers.
She explains it herself, and has an interesting perspective on these stalking incidents - not blaming the people who stalk, but the lack of help and support there for people with such strong fixations and unhappiness. 💭
New album out next month, how SPECTACULARLY timed :oi:

Such a joke, if you read the articles about this they contradict each other. None of them even provide the date it supposedly happened! Then they talk about someone being arrested during an earlier break-in but nothing more was ever said about that. Like when he appeared in court, etc. :rolleyes:

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