After a couple of flagons of mead down the Star And Garter And Rain of a Friday, you'd be hard pressed to find anyone she doesn't share them with.I do feel a hamper usually includes food. Come on En, stop being stingy and share your Taytos with us.
EXACTLY! It should always include food. It’s a GIFT SET OR SOME SUCH if it doesn’t. Perhaps the words are the same for both in LOXIANI do feel a hamper usually includes food. Come on En, stop being stingy and share your Taytos with us.
@jivafox What was your PACK OF LIES she might want to hear ()? Did you write a poem? Just in case you didn’t, here’s mine
We don’t mind waiting 19 years for hot new sounds from you
We know you’re very busy making tasty rabbit stew
Instead we spend our days and nights just sitting quietly in
Who knows? Perhaps one day there’ll be some HOLLY FOR MISS QUINN
Yes, I know. Very stirring. WHERE’S MY FUCKING HAMPER