Your favourite Mariah Carey album (1 Viewer)

Which one is a moment, dahling?

  • Merry Christmas

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  • Rainbow

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  • Glitter OST

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  • Charmbracelet

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  • Memoirs of an Imperfect Angel

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  • Me. I Am Mariah... The Elusive Chanteuse

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  • Caution

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  • The Rarities

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  • Merry Christmas II You

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  • Total voters
Emotions for me. I realise that's not the COOL vote, but I don't give a shit. It's such a gorgeous, soulful album.

I adore Music Box too.
Butterfly of course. Genuinely not a track I dislike. Babydoll grew eventually!

Caution and Emotions fight it out for 2nd place.
Top 5:

Music Box
Mariah Carey
Me I Am Mariah
A rank
  1. Butterfly
  2. Caution
  3. Emotions
  4. Daydream
  5. Rainbow
  6. Mariah Carey
  7. E=MC²
  8. Music Box
  9. The Emancipation of Mimi
  10. The Rarities
  11. Me. I Am Mariah... The Elusive Chanteuse
  12. Merry Christmas
  13. Memoirs of an Imperfect Angel
  14. Merry Christmas II You
  15. Charmbracelet
  16. Glitter
Emancipation of MImi :disco: :disco: The perfect blend of R&B and Neo Soul.

Butterfly and Caution are very close though.
Yaas, tasteful queen.
My ranking is pretty much the same as yours if you were to switch Mimi and the debut.

E=MC2 really is HIGH QUALITY CONTENT. If you scrapped Love Story, Bye Bye, Last Kiss and I Stay In Love. You really are left with some of the strongest songs in her catalogue.

Migrate and Side Effects :disco:
She prefers Now That I Know over Giving Me Life, and still claims to be an R&B girl. How... bout... you...?

babes some of us have room for different flavours. We just like to spread it about a bit rather than stay committed

I thought you’d know all about that
Emancipation would be a Top 3 contender if she had shaved off One & Only, Mine Again and one of the later JD singles (Shake It Off or Get Your Number). I am obsessed with the first two songs, and the entire back-end. I actually prefer the extended version - all of the new tracks were fabulous.
20 years on and I’m still waiting for someone to explain Rainbow to me

I mean I liked it at the time, but I was quite basic back then. I was also listening to the Backstreet Boys Millenium album. Thankfully I’ve moved on from both since then
I'm listening to Caution and it's such a succinct, slick listen. How did this queen turn out a career-best towards the end of her third decade? Of course, it can't compare the late 90s R&B perfection, emotional high-drama of Butterfly, but nothing can.
Butterfly, DUH.

1. Butterfly
2. Emancipation
3. Daydream
4. Glitter
5. Music Box
6. Memoirs
7. E=MC2
8. The Xmas album xx
From 9 and below I really don't care much for them tbh, especially Caution which every fucking Moopy lamb can't stop creaming their gusset over it.
Butterfly, DUH.

1. Butterfly
2. Emancipation
3. Daydream
4. Glitter
5. Music Box
6. Memoirs
7. The Xmas album xx
From 8 and below I really don't care much for them tbh, especially Caution which every fucking Moopy lamb can't stop creaming their gusset over it.

I can proudly say Caution was ahead of its time, to be honest. It wasn't so commercialized. You had to really be a music lover, be a true fan of music and the love of being open to really appreciate that record. It's just a special piece in Mariah's body of work that will forever live on. The older the record gets the more people will come to appreciate it actually and check it out.

I genuinely live for Loverboy and the two covers on Glitter. The rest not so much.
sorry I edited my list because I REALLY do like E=MC2 though I would probably say it suffered from her WORST singles run EVER (yes. even worse than Rainbow)
I got a house in Capri, and my own G4
And a Benz with the doors that lift up from the floor

My current top 5 rank would be:

1 E=MC2
2 The Emancipation of Mimi
3 Memoirs Of An Imperfect Angel
4 Caution
5 Butterfly
I voted Butterfly but Caution and E=MC close out the top 3
Parts of E=MC2 are really awful. It’s basically her Hard Candy.
I'm finding it very difficult to pick but it'd have to be one of the releases from the debut up to "Butterfly". Any other diva would kill to have a run of albums as good as those.
Top Five:

1. Butterfly
2. Emotions
3. Daydream
4. Memoirs
5. Mariah Carey
My rankettes:
  1. Butterfly
  2. Caution
  3. Emancipation of Mimi
  4. Daydream
  5. Emotions
  6. Music Box
  7. E=MC²
  8. Rainbow
  9. MOAiA!
  10. Mariah Carey
  11. Glitter
  12. Charmbracelet
  13. The Rarities
  14. Merry Christmas

Me... I am MARIAH: The Elusive : I don't know her but I want to know hah

Merry Christmas II You: I still don't know her

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