There can only be one queen in a beehive - that's me. Don't address me by any name - it's 'SATURDAY' to you

Just bought a ninja foodie in the black Friday sale as it's a really good price.
I have no idea how to cook in it though :o
Currently £129 which is the lowest it's ever been. VIA the Moopy Amazon link only obviously.
It's the work Christmas "do" tonight. I'm not going because I'm a grinch who refused to pay £52 for the privilege of being stuck in a room with hundreds of people from other companies with a crappy buffet and shit music, alcohol at wedding prices and then a fifty quid taxi-ride home on my own. The bucking-reindeer sealed my non-attendance. Office lady says she'll try and record it on her phone when office girl likely gets drunk and goes for boss's niece's throat. :D
It's the work Christmas "do" tonight. I'm not going because I'm a grinch who refused to pay £52 for the privilege of being stuck in a room with hundreds of people from other companies with a crappy buffet and shit music, alcohol at wedding prices and then a fifty quid taxi-ride home on my own. The bucking-reindeer sealed my non-attendance. Office lady says she'll try and record it on her phone when office girl likely gets drunk and goes for boss's niece's throat. :D
One of my clients once asked me to pay to come to their work do! Get fucked.
Work make you pay for your Christmas do? Outrageous!

Exactly! It was organised by office lady, it's ten minutes' walk from her house and she's friends with the person who runs the place. It's almost as far away from my house as you can get without leaving the borough.
Work make you pay for your Christmas do? Outrageous!

Innit! :o I wouldn't pay either. I thought mine were bad for having it in January because its cheaper even though there's no Christmas mood by that point.
Oh we get a subsidy for a Xmas team lunch. Thanks to everyone who has left over the last few months, my team currently has 5 people in it, 2 of whom I hate. NO THANKS.
I mean, seriously, it's going to be like a particularly tough episode of "Come Dine With Me". Nah, you're alright.
Ours were held in clubs and employees were *strongly encouraged* to come up with an idea of a stage performance each, or in small teams so that in between drinking and eating a show made up by us would unfold. Sometimes if there was some professional doing a show in the club they've booked (a singer or a drag queen or a gogo-boy depending on the location), they would do their show too and collaborate in one of our performances. At the end we had to vote by SMS and the top 3 winning shows would earn money prizes.
Ours were held in clubs and employees were *strongly encouraged* to come up with an idea of a stage performance each, or in small teams so that in between drinking and eating a show made up by us would unfold. Sometimes if there was some professional doing a show in the club they've booked (a singer or a drag queen or a gogo-boy depending on the location), they would do their show too and collaborate in one of our performances. At the end we had to vote by SMS and the top 3 winning shows would earn money prizes.
This sounds HORRIFYING.
If work PAID ME £52, I'd consider it. Still may have something else on, though.
Just had a really weird encounter whilst walking the dog. Ridley and I were bimbling along, like we do, and at the other end of the road walking towards us were four teenage lads smoking spliffs (I could smell it), shouting and swearing, pulling chunks of privets out, throwing each other into the road and other unsociable horseplay. I wasn't unduly worried about them, I'm a notorious gobshite and Piddles is a big old unit so we continued walking towards them on the same side of the road. When they were about twenty yards away one of them started running towards us and I admit my first thought was "how do I stop them nicking the dog if they try?", anyway he suddenly stopped about six feet in front of us and said "excuse me, can I stroke your dog please?" and my brain said "here we go, do I fight them or try and run?" but I said yes because he sounded polite and dognappers probably wouldn't say please. He proceeded to start petting the dog, flibbling his ears and telling him he was such a handsome good boy, aren't you lovely. The other three got level with us, one of them said sit so Ridley sat and he started praising the dog too then another one of them crouched down and said "shake a paw" and Ridley did nothing. I said to the lad "you have to tell him High-5, he doesn't know shake a paw" so he did, Ridley high-fived him and all four of them were laughing and saying how amazing he was. Then they all stood up, said see ya and went on their way. My heart was going ten to the dozen and I was shaking from the adrenaline dump after they went.
Awww :love:

I just had a “people are alright really” moment as well - a mum opposite me was telling her tired wee boy that no he couldn’t sleep on the tube because they had to get home and she couldn’t carry him and the shopping bags, and the man next to me said “I went to the zoo yesterday, do you want to see some videos?” The kid perked right up and squealed at the animals until their stop. BLESS.
I was fully expecting that story to have ended with four teenage lads with fractured jaws and Floppet emerging unscathed, but pleased it didn't turn out that way!

I can't throw a decent punch to save my life, Mr F tried to teach me again during lockdown but my wrists are too weak now. I'd rugby-tackle then put the boot in, nobody expects a woman to rugby-tackle. I haven't done it for probably twenty-five years but I'm sure it'd all come back to me if needed.

In reality, I'd hope that Ridley would bite them.
I can't throw a decent punch to save my life, Mr F tried to teach me again during lockdown but my wrists are too weak now. I'd rugby-tackle then put the boot in, nobody expects a woman to rugby-tackle. I haven't done it for probably twenty-five years but I'm sure it'd all come back to me if needed.

In reality, I'd hope that Ridley would bite them.
Against your average teenager, I know who I'd put my money on.
I'm having a gay nibbles and Kylie evening :disco:
Just get those lovely Le Creuset mugs into every shot @Alex, and we'll not notice anything else slightly naff.

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