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  • Are you implying I don't know about one of the two or three key constitutional crises in countries that operate the Westminster system?
    Are you talking to me or my ironic comedy persona? :D I don't really accentuate anything, I've never particularly hidden that I like pretty much any ludicrous pop music (especially on here) but at the same time I do spend the vast majority of my time IRL talking about football. (n.b. reading that back I sound pretty defensive/Tovey-esque, sorry :shy: The PERILS of posting stuff on the Internet that isn't topless shots)

    And god, don't remind me! It was certainly no Suus. There was the total inability to rap, filming it in my nan's bathroom, the shirtlessness...
    Cher Lloyd bruv, got an urban reputation to keep up.

    And yeah, if you're getting at what I think then I occasionally try out my material elsewhere haha. I had been listening to a bizarre amount of musical soundtracks that day, and you must've forgot my stunning Moopy Factor performance of Strong Enough (I only wish I could). I'm not some sort of constant UBER LAD, just 90% of the time :beer:
    I might upload a pic of my soon-to-be breeded cunt tonight (if you're nice).
    Throwing myself into WHAT exactly? The care home? A raging river? The pathway of an oncoming HGV? John Barrowman?

    Young people these days. No respect for the elderly.
    Good! I can't wait to see you absolutely ravished and eaten alive there! :horny:
    Berlin is one of the cheapest (if not THE cheapest) capitals in Western Europe. And it's the perfect place for a cute little seal cub like you to grow up in.
    But darling for Berlin you neither need any money nor a clean minge.
    OH MY GOD PENNNY I had no idea you were such a cute little piglet! :disco:

    I'll book us a date at Bull bar in Berlin. How about next Saturday?
    :D :D :D

    As much as I like - well, DON'T MIND - a bit of Sia, I know who I'd rather have with his LOVELY PERKY NUMBER although obviously I say NO RIMMO GRATA MILANO
    That one certainly has more of a TUNE! It's also quite OF A THEME given the wobbly trompette (or whatever it is) as I revisited 'Ovo Je Balkan' earlier. HOP! HOP! HOP!

    *frotts car*

    *rubs peachy arse*
    Jesus is almost certainly in the room on this INSOMNIA-DRIVEN EVENING as he's turned my thoughts to TIANKOV TV. Goodness our Vania's a SMILER :disco:

    I'm not sure whether that's GLOSSY AND TASTY PASTRIES in the background or a VIGOROUSLY PLEDGED SIDEBOARD
    Oh I'd NEVER SAY NEVER to a B&H GOLD. The very sumptuousness of that LUXURIOUS PACKET

    I mean they do lack the continental cachet of a PETER STUYVESANT - goodness those Greeks can't stop themselves GROPING AND GRABBING when I whip one out - but that NOTWITHSTANDING
    Darling you really must start wearing your SPECTACLES. They were quite clearly SIZEABLE WINNETS
    Deranged J-Pop rendition of 'Dschinghis Khan' you say? And WHY THE HECK NOT? :D


    "The toned-down lyrics do not make mention to the more explicit details pertaining to war, rape or the consumption of alcoholic beverages found in the 1979 original."
    Admittedly UNSERE SENTA-SOFIA has always been partial to DADDY'S SAUCE and credits her birdish TRILLEN and number 67 TOP-HIT to a weekly GOBFUL O' SCHEISSEGAL
    Oh ich denke, dass wir SOLLEN! And to think that OON owes her ETHNOPOPERFOLGKANARIANTRILLEN to CREAM OF WHEAT and BOILED SEED!
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