A Song For Moopy: Cocktail Lounge Edition - cocktail reveal

I almost entered a cocktail that I was going to call Cock Stock and Two Smokey Bottles - two peaty whiskies mixed together with a cube of chicken stock floating on top

But I decided that was TOO SILLY

however please demand that I get 10 points if you think it was good :)
I wish it was still my partially unemployed days and I could drink for this
Work tomorrow plus I ended up really quite drunk on Saturday so just a diet Coke for me, thanks. You only have Diet Pepsi? Yeah, whatever, they both spend billions on marketing and literally no-one gives a shit.
Work tomorrow plus I ended up really quite drunk on Saturday so just a diet Coke for me, thanks. You only have Diet Pepsi? Yeah, whatever, they both spend billions on marketing and literally no-one gives a shit.
But imagine if one of them only spend 999.9 million, they'd be at the disadvantage!
Work tomorrow plus I ended up really quite drunk on Saturday so just a diet Coke for me, thanks. You only have Diet Pepsi? Yeah, whatever, they both spend billions on marketing and literally no-one gives a shit.
Has anyone ever responded to "we have Pepsi" with "OH. Well in that case I'll have a treble gin and Guinness chaser instead, thanks"
1. White Russian

Ugh everyone in Atlanta is obsessed with coke and acts like Pepsi is actual poison. But they taste the same basically anyway
Ugh everyone in Atlanta is obsessed with coke and acts like Pepsi is actual poison. But they taste the same basically anyway

It's just fizz, innit? It tastes of artificial sweeteners, diet, zero or otherwise...
Pepsi tastes like soap, but yes I hardly care when my glass has a double vodka and is filled with those weird shape ice slithers you get.
I think the real question is whether that Turkish Delight cocktail with be Gulsen again.

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