The cocaine must be really hitting today.
The cocaine must be really hitting today.
He can't distract everyone from the lashings he's still receiving.
There have been attacks on Tesla GigafactoriesHow has this descent into madness affected TESLA?
I was thinking under different circumstances, surely Electric cars would be labelled the epitome of WOKE, but now they're a cash cow for a far right edgelord, does that mean right wing people are comfortable buying them? Would be a weird accidental benefit if so.
On the other hand, If I was a driver I'd look to virtually any other electric car company to avoid putting money in his pocket, but I have no idea what the competition looks like in that market.
How has this descent into madness affected TESLA?
Tesla's European sales are down 13% between Jan and June of this year vs. the same period in 2023. In the US it's down 8%. in Europe the EV market increased 1.7% in the same time frame, so the figures there are definitely not good news for Tesla.Pre the twitter buyout the average Tesla buyer seemed to be an upper middle-class socially conscious urban city dweller, and presumably this demographic are entirely turned off the brand now.
The cars are selling fine I’m sure regardless of how he acts online. I think people figure they can get an electric car but still OWN THE LIBS with Tesla.I think he is largely hated/seen as a joke (much less so by straight men!), but Tesla is easily established enough not to become less desirable or take a sales hit just because Elon Musk said or did something dumb again.
What determines relevance?There's an actually GOOD new feature on Twitter where you can sort replies by the most likes, most recent and most 'relevant' - as opposed to just seeing whatever the blue tick people are spewing
Yeah not sure about that one, from a quick look it seems to be based on a combination of views, retweets, interactions etc.What determines relevance?
EditTesla is apparently a fucking mess on every conceivable level, but then so is X.
I mean the man is so rich I doubt it’s a blip to him honestly.I’m shocked it’s still financially viable. It’s going to sink him eventually surely?
Mr Moraes had ordered X accounts he has accused of spreading disinformation - many supporters of the former right-wing president Jair Bolsanaro - must be blocked while they are under investigation.
After X owner Musk criticised Mr Moraes, the judge ordered 100,000 reais ($19,774; £15,670) fines a day for any account that X reactivated, and stressed the possible liability of the company's legal representatives in Brazil if this were to happen.
It was, on the 10th of AugustI can't remember if it was me or not.